Other programs like SketchUp Make 2017? For DIY projects.


I need to know what kind of programs I see people use in YouTube videos from time to time when they do a DIY project that has them creating the general layout and design of something with precise measurements to see what fits where and how. I plan to start doing some more complex DIY building of things and it would make it easier to know before hand exactly how something should be measured and cut before hand. For example, I would use the software to create a mockup of a desk PC design of my own making that would help me to see how it will work all put together and have all the correct measurements in place.

The software can be either paid or free software. Whichever would work better and I would look into them and compare to see which one I would want to use.

After looking up some DIY PC Desk videos on YouTube I came across a program that is like the programs I am interested in using. It is called SketchUp Make 2017. So programs like this is what I'm interested in using. So if you have suggestions for other programs like this one that would be what I am looking for.
I've had Sketchup 8 installed for years, haven't updated it in years. I created a few things with it but found it to be a bit inaccurate over longer distances and more complicated designs. At least in the older version that I am using. This is a major problem when designing larger projects. I don't know if it was fixed in newer versions or not.

My actual computer desk: https://s33.postimg.cc/3kbp23cxb/ss1.png
Steps I designed but never built: https://s33.postimg.cc/yeixzv0kf/ss2.png

I recently was going to try SweetHome3D until I found it uses the outdated and very insecure Java.

I think the more sophisticated and more accurate ones will be "CAD", but they can be complicated to learn also.

Anyway, the below may also help. I've used...
I've had Sketchup 8 installed for years, haven't updated it in years. I created a few things with it but found it to be a bit inaccurate over longer distances and more complicated designs. At least in the older version that I am using. This is a major problem when designing larger projects. I don't know if it was fixed in newer versions or not.

My actual computer desk: https://s33.postimg.cc/3kbp23cxb/ss1.png
Steps I designed but never built: https://s33.postimg.cc/yeixzv0kf/ss2.png

I recently was going to try SweetHome3D until I found it uses the outdated and very insecure Java.

I think the more sophisticated and more accurate ones will be "CAD", but they can be complicated to learn also.

Anyway, the below may also help. I've used it before, usually just go to google and search for "Alternative to Subject" and you'll find the site.

Any License:

Free License:

Maybe someone else who has used some of the alternatives can chime in with their opinions on them.