Out of ram with Alien:Isolation, ram stays full after crash


Dec 12, 2013
I've been playing Alien:Isolation(Steam) for a few days now, and all of a sudden the game starts to crash randomly, because I wouldn't have enough ram. Only 6 of my 8gb's are used though. The second problem is, while the process of the game is gone after the crash, there's still 5gb of ram used, and the only thing that solves this is a reboot. I'm playing on high settings with vsync on, and I get a solid 60fps, I never saw it dropping to 59. Temps are okay and all my drivers are updated. I've seen this question asked before(the persistent ram usage after a crash excluded), but there's no solution to it yet. The game is out for nearly 5 months, so they should've patched those issues by now.. :( Can anyone help me with this problem?
Did you install any other programs recently, or make any other configuration changes?

You may also want to check System Restore, & try going to a restore point prior to when the problem occurred. If it fixes it, then it was caused either by a new program or an update.


Did you install any other programs recently, or make any other configuration changes?

You may also want to check System Restore, & try going to a restore point prior to when the problem occurred. If it fixes it, then it was caused either by a new program or an update.


Dec 12, 2013

Not in the period between purchase and failure of the game. No updates, nor (un)installation of programs/drivers. I have no usable restore points to fall back on, I never bothered to create them as i never need them. I doubt it would fix the problem anyway, I think it's caused by the game, and not by the operating system. I have the same problem in AC Unity, but this is probably just because that game is buggy as hell.