I have a question regarding my computer which acts up when Outlook
> express and Internet Explorer is opened together.Since I have
> installed the high speed internet through Bell,after I check my
> emails with Outlook expressand then use Internet explorer it shows
> that it has automatically gone "work offline" mode. It almost looks
> like there is a relation between the 2 Microsoft programmes.Yet when
> I browse with Firefox its all fine. Please let me know whats
> happening and how I can fix it.
> express and Internet Explorer is opened together.Since I have
> installed the high speed internet through Bell,after I check my
> emails with Outlook expressand then use Internet explorer it shows
> that it has automatically gone "work offline" mode. It almost looks
> like there is a relation between the 2 Microsoft programmes.Yet when
> I browse with Firefox its all fine. Please let me know whats
> happening and how I can fix it.