Output Audio is Echoing Through Headset Mic Internally (Not Audio Leakage From Speakers)


Oct 13, 2016

I have been having issues with my Sennheiser Game One headset that I purchased about 1-2 months ago. When I am using my headset on Teamspeak, my friends frequently tell me that they can hear themselves through my microphone. Now the werid thing is, when I use the headset on Skype, Steam Call, or any other in game communications the echo is no longer there. One other thing I should mention is that the echo only seems to happen periodically such that every few hours it will come back and then disappear within a few minutes. So, here is a small list of the things I have already tried to do in search of fixing the echo on Teamspeak:

    1. Reinstall Windows 10
    2. Adjusted numerous settings in Teamspeak, Realteck Audio, and Sound Blaster Studio
    3. Drivers for the Sound Blaster Z sound card are up to date
    4. Teamspeak was of the latest version
    5. Made sure the "listen to this device" setting in recording devices was turned off
    6. All programs such as Skype, Origin, or any other programs that may interfere with my mic are turned off (echo still persists through them being closed)

So with that said, I am looking for any kind of help with this topic. Hopefully someone out there has some information that might help in removing my echo on Teamspeak. It just seems odd to me that this is happening since I have not heard of anyone else having this issue in the past with this specific model of headset.

Thanks :wahoo: ,

1| If the issue is found only on Teamspeak then the issue is with the app itself.
2| You seem to have more than one sound card, mind stating your full system's specs inclusive of your audio equipment?
3| Have you made sure your motherboard BIOS is up to date?
4| Within Sound Manager, have you made sure your Mic's settings for listen to this device is unchecked?