OUYA Android Console Now in Stores, Sells Out Quick

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Haha, the "fun factor". I think I'd rather rely on something concrete like number downloads rather than this nebulous concept that probably nobody can give a definition everybody can agree with.
It's actually really fecal of them. They sent out an apology email, but apologies don't cut it. I'm also pissed that they screwed me over on the controller. They "fixed" the faceplate issue after sending mine out, so I'm left with their beta crap. Also their resolution issues with forcing 1080p on 720p TVs is a joke. All of this said, the thing is worth it for XBMC. That's about the only good thing to come out of it so far.
Anyone who didn't get one won't have long to wait. Just pick up one of the thousands that will be returned to the stores first thing tomorrow. M.O.J.O. anyone?

Fun factor isnt a good way of describing it. Its basically an algorithm that looks at total time played on that game, and how long people play a given game per session. The games with the most total play time, and time per session are probably more fun than games that people play for 2 minutes. I believe they have plans for sorting by day, week, month, and lifetime. I forget my source though
"That was quick: it's already sold out at Amazon and GameStop. Even more, not all Kickstarter backers have received their console as of this news post."
Is that even allowed? From their kickstarter:
"GET AN OUYA: console and controller. Guarantee we will have one available for you, before it gets to stores."
Further: "Estimated delivery: Mar 2013"

Not only is it nearly 4 months late they are pushing it to retail first?
"OUYA is finally here, but can it stand up against the pricier Nvidia Shield or a $199 tablet with HDMI output? Possibly, as it's already sold out at GameStop and Amazon."

Shield will fail on its own.

Any tegra3 tablet is mostly worthless for gaming on an external monitor due to the framebuffer/bandwidth issues of the processor, it can't keep up with two displays at once for a lot of games. So it's not really an apt comparison to OUYA.

Despite being a successful kickstarter project (whatever that means, lol), OUYA will not be a successful consumer product. I don't care if they sold out; given that a lot of kickstarter backers didn't get their units yet, there probably weren't many OUYA's available in stores in the first place given the gross lack of manufactured units. So "selling out" isn't really important or noteworthy when there are likely not many units to sell out of.
A friend of mine ordered his on day one from the kickstarter, and has yet to receive his. It was just shipped from China, so it's another 3 weeks still... pathetic.
I have a phone(that can do hdmi out over the USB if I cared) that can play Android games. I have a computer that can play real games. The fact they sold out doesn't mean it's good. It means they had less to sell than the number of suckers.

Regardless of my feelings on it though it's absolutely HORRIBLE they sent them to people at retail before fulfilling their kickstarter obligations. That's a huge black mark against them, and reflects poorly on kickstarter, even though it's not their issue and there is nothing they could do about it. OUYA should really be ashamed
How long before it is rooted and folks "can" play their already purchased Android collection. If this is not possible, I see it as a barrier that would make people wait for a competing product that can. Who would want to have to repurchase the same game?
I'd hate to rain on somebody else parade but as I Ouya backer I would like most of people to know how bad of a company Ouya is. The support team takes forever (Took me over 20 days) to contact even if you bug them on twitter (and only after making a ruckus there). Company has told misinformation time after time and mislead the bakers while ignoring all the feedback. Majority of international backers where shafted very badly: consoles very only started to get processed by Ouya's shipping partner on 20th of June, which is the mere 5 days before retail release!!! On top of that the shipping partner charged them extra "handling" fees ,of course, in addition to the 20$ that they already paid, in some cases handling fees were 20$ to 50$ for each packages: extra controller was shipped as a separate package to "speed things up"

Sadly, none of this surprises me.
Kickstarter backers not getting theirs is a DHL delivery problem. There is very little Ouya can do other then bitch at DHL since that's the company that has all the backer systems.

That being said, I received mine about 2 weeks ago and I've played it a fair amount. This by no means will be my main form of entertainment, but taking the lord's name in vain. All you crybabies think you've paid $700 for an PS4. Unless you have a legitimate complaint like Stimpack's controller issue, go QQ about something else.
Knowing the number of units is more important than knowing they all sold out, so hearing they sold out isn't that big a deal from a small company that started only a couple years ago. Go figure that IGN claims that after talking to Gamestop, they apparently already have enough stock back for all their stores and online retail. I just checked Amazon, and they have it too. Something about that just doesn't sit right with me. It sounds like they were purposely holding stock just to sell out for the first batch - like saying everything on the store floor is what you have, selling all that to claim you've completely sold out, when all along you've got boxes more of the stuff in the back.
"OUYA Android Console Now in Stores, Sells Out Quick"

FYI, the adverb "quickly" should be used here. I signed up as a user just so I could post this comment. Also, I love Tom's Hardware!
Why does this need to exist? Aren't most budget computers on the market able to handle the games that the Ouya is made for? My $400 laptop with an i3 processor has more power than this thing it seems.
I was one of the kickstarter backers, and I feel gutted that they're selling retail versions before all the prototypes have finished shipping. I actually backed when it was still within the 1000 backers margin, so I don't get how I got shoved right to the back of the Que and still have to wait. If you order a retail version, be prepared for a month or two of waiting whilst the backers revisions are still clearing. Also in regards to Xelliz comments: There's nothing worse than being a supporter of a project, helping it become a reality, knowing you'll get a beta version that will have bugs and issues, will not look as shiney, could even before more expensive or possibly cheaper (You just don't know in the early stages) than the retail version, and will require updates and firmware upgrades when you finally get it before you can even use it, and despite all this, find the guy living next door has a fully finished, finely crafted, retail version before you even got your crappy prototype version (Which most ppl get not only to support the thing in the first place, but to show it off before the actual release appears, which is obviously a now impossible thing to do).
I just got my Ouya pre-order (which was supposed to arrive pre-release) on the 28th, four days after the release date. I'm actually glad they sent it to me later, because all of the glitches and hiccups from earlier pre-release versions have been fixed. There are already some good games for it. Some have good graphics, some have good gameplay, and a few of them have both.

For the price, and for what it is, I'm impressed.
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