Over clocking nvidia gtx 1060 help

Dec 17, 2018
Somewhat new to pc gaming loving it so far. Got one of the ho omen obelisk prebuilts for bloack Friday been playing it solid but am wanting to mess with overcloking the gpu. Never messed with over clocking. Stock fans and the specs are intel i7 8700, 16gb 2666mhz ram, 256gb ssd, 1tb hard drive. Was gonna see about using msi afterburner just wanted to know what to look out for? I know heat but what is too hot and what else should I be worrying about or looking for. Thank you.
First up, comment on kiss-method. Not all games can run at 1080p60 with the 1060 so OC might be for a specific game. Going back to the question.
I personally use MSI agyerburner, it is quick and easy. Start with 100+ on the core clock and 400Mhz clock that should be safe. Make sure your temps are below 75 on the GPU. You can just increase the core clock until it crashes and then go -5Mhz on the core. For me this was really stable and already getting much more fps. The core voltage is the best to leave on default unless you want to but i think it is unnecissery for the 5+ fps for 100% more core voltage. Increasing the Volt can also damage the GPU over time.
Well.... The main order of business is, Why? Because if you're running a 1080p monitor and you're getting well above your 60 frames on a 60hz monitor.... It's not worth messing with.
As per afterburner, careful with voltage, Google your card's max voltage capability before you kill it. MHz/vram somewhat safer, why are you talking about stock fans? Fan replacement is a silly thing to do, and only should be done if your fans died. For the love of your system, don't use furmark to test GPU, unless you want to be in the market for a new one. Unigene valley is a good GPU testin software.

There are about... I dunno? A decade of how to use afterburner worth of posts, quick Google will be more than enough to understand it without someone retyping it for you. If you have questions about specific things or something not working out, then that's worth helping you with... Currently I think you can find your own info with a few clicks.
First up, comment on kiss-method. Not all games can run at 1080p60 with the 1060 so OC might be for a specific game. Going back to the question.
I personally use MSI agyerburner, it is quick and easy. Start with 100+ on the core clock and 400Mhz clock that should be safe. Make sure your temps are below 75 on the GPU. You can just increase the core clock until it crashes and then go -5Mhz on the core. For me this was really stable and already getting much more fps. The core voltage is the best to leave on default unless you want to but i think it is unnecissery for the 5+ fps for 100% more core voltage. Increasing the Volt can also damage the GPU over time.
As true as your response to me is kaasman, you can look back at the first line of my response. Before someone messes with their hardware, the condition of need should be identified. I'm sure that you understand that doing something out of boredom often leads to regret. The rest of my response is mainly annoyance at the fact that someone can't put in 2 minutes of googling.
There are alot of questoins on this site that can be solved in 1minute of googling. But we are here as a community to help and support one another and maby give a better solution to it than the basic info you find on google. Some solutions that takes hours to google and minutes to make a thread and asking thousands of poeple. And from mistakes you can learn so there is no loss, OC the GPU is an easy task but if you think these are silly questions and are too easy leave them be and take some of the harder questions.
Thanks guys I guess I could’ve been more clear I was more less wondering if it was worth it and what negative effects it could cause if I needed to upgrade any cooling of sorts to take any extra heat off. Like I said I’m new to the whole pc stuff. And yea I tried googling it and even scowered this site for a while. But I figured this would be a quick easy way. And yea I found plenty of info on how to use afterburner. I’ll probably leave it be for now just was more of a curiousity thing. Thanks guys!