Over Voltage Error 4.08v - Did we do something wrong???

Apr 15, 2018
I really feel for my son with his computer, he has had no luck so far,
He could really do with a pointer where to go with this one,

Current configuration:
Core i5-4590 3.30GHz
no graphics card inserted at this point, just onboard

The History:
I dont have the original spec, but this computer was built for my son at a shop so he could play games on - it was a mid-range PC and worked fine. As a year or so passed he decided to buy another graphic card for it and once he saved up he bought it and put it in.
Since then everything has gone wrong,

the PC would not boot with the card in - so we take it out, no problems - back in and no boot,BIOs anything. So we sent off the graphic card to the shop who tested it and said they couldn't find a problem so the replaced, tested and sent another - still no go, just the same....

So he has now saved up for a new Motherboard and his PC techie mate fitted it - however now the computer is complaining in the BIOS that the CPU is Over Voltage Error on 4.080v

So what now? - I checked all the connections and reset the CMOS but - ? - so I look as the specs and try to find an error in the choice of hardware and >? I cannot find a problem

So what does he do now, hes practically paid for two PCs and used it for 12 months out of 3 years!

Now he needs it for Uni in November and hes still no further forward....

any help appreciated.


If you can boot into windows without the GPU, run CPU-Z and see if it also says there is a problem with the CPU voltage.
It is possible the "CPU is Over Voltage error" and the "GPU not outputting any video" are connected to a faulty power supply. What is the exact model name of your Corsair 450W PSU? Is it 3 years old?

Here is post with a similar issue.
1. A few more details would help. What is the new video card, what is the power supply and what is the operating system?
2. Has the motherboard been updated with the latest driver updates and BIOS revisions? Many BIOS revisions have been released for that motherboard, most to "Improve system stability" and one to "Enhance compatibility with some PCIe devices". (read all the instructions carefully before updating the BIOS)
Sorry for the downvote, new to the website.

I'm the son discussed in the op

The full system was

Intel i5 4590
Asus 97m
Corsair vengeance ram 1 8gb stick at 1300 mhz
Nvidia GeForce 760
With a corsair 450W standard power supply

The PC was put together by PC specialist a UK firm based in Yorkshire.

The issue which snowballed was one day the GPU fan was going beserk and was not displaying an output after working fine.

Due to this we switched to on-board graphics and no issues software wise presented themselves.

We contacted PC specialist and they replaced the GPU. This took many months and upon installing the new GPU we discovered the same issue persisted so we evaluated it was the motherboard, specifically the PCI port we thought.

My warranty had run out at this point so I saved to buy the motherboard mentioned in the OP (Original post).

We installed this and the issue persisted the fan was going beserk, so we swapped to on-board graphics and went to the bios. Here we were informed about the 4.080 volts warning so we swapped the power supply with an older but reliable 850w generic power supply and the issue persisted and then the OP was made.

Hope this clarifies things.

Charlie (son)

So are you saying you changed the motherboard in your computer. Did you reinstall Windows as well?
No we didn't reinstall Windows, but we never went to windows we went straight to the BIOS and it came up with the voltage error.

And yes we replaced the motherboard because we thought this would fix the issue with the GPU not outputting.

If you can boot into windows without the GPU, run CPU-Z and see if it also says there is a problem with the CPU voltage.
It is possible the "CPU is Over Voltage error" and the "GPU not outputting any video" are connected to a faulty power supply. What is the exact model name of your Corsair 450W PSU? Is it 3 years old?

Here is post with a similar issue.