Overcklocking the GTX 1050 Ti


Aug 27, 2018
Hi. I have the Zotac GTX 1050 Ti OC Edition. I really want to get the most out of this card because I have a fairly strong cpu (i5 8400) and 16gb of ram and I want to play AC Origins (and other demanding games) on decent settings. Do you recommend overcklocking this card? Which software should I use for stress testing the gpu? I also want to know if I’ll be able to go back to the original clock speeds after I overclock it and save the settings. Thanks in advance!
Overcklocking the GTX 1050 Ti
0. Install MSI Afterburner (has profiles for saving OC)
0. Download and run UNIGINE Valley on Ultra + Windowed. Any other benchmarking works too.

1. Max your power limit. (Requires good PSU)

2. Increase your core clock 50+ at a time while looking at the benchmark till artifacts (weird lines and colors) appear or your driver crashes/freezes. Then fine tune it compared to your previous clock.
Example Core clock: ... > +150 > artifact > ... > +145 > artifact > +120 (Keep it 25 or more below max)

3. Do the same for Memory. (50 or more below max)

4. Save your profile.

5. Don't check apply overclocking at startup. You can check it after a few days of testing.

Keep temps below 80c...
Overcklocking the GTX 1050 Ti
0. Install MSI Afterburner (has profiles for saving OC)
0. Download and run UNIGINE Valley on Ultra + Windowed. Any other benchmarking works too.

1. Max your power limit. (Requires good PSU)

2. Increase your core clock 50+ at a time while looking at the benchmark till artifacts (weird lines and colors) appear or your driver crashes/freezes. Then fine tune it compared to your previous clock.
Example Core clock: ... > +150 > artifact > ... > +145 > artifact > +120 (Keep it 25 or more below max)

3. Do the same for Memory. (50 or more below max)

4. Save your profile.

5. Don't check apply overclocking at startup. You can check it after a few days of testing.

Keep temps below 80c. If start going above, install a fan near it or change the paste.
Do you recommend overcklocking this card?
10% free boost. Why not? Compared to CPU, it's easier and safer.
Which software should I use for stress testing the gpu?
Stress testing is needed for extreme OC. For 1050 Ti, looking at a game benchmark should be enough.
I also want to know if I’ll be able to go back to the original clock speeds after I overclock it and save the settings.
Yes, you can. I only overclock before gaming.
Thank you so much! I have unigine heaven downloaded it’ll work as well right? And after I increase my clock speeds each time how long should I wait for the benchmark before increasing it again?
Ph and I have a 600w power supply. I wont have any problems right? Since I’m not increasing the voltage
There's no problem. 600W is more than enough for 1050 Ti. It's enough for 1060/1070 If you ever decide to upgrade. Also, Nvidia 10 series have locked voltages meaning they won't go over a certain voltage.
Thank you so much! I have unigine heaven downloaded it’ll work as well right? And after I increase my clock speeds each time how long should I wait for the benchmark before increasing it again?
It should happen instantly or in less than a minute. Keep increasing till you see the artifacts/freezes. Then keep decreasing it till you don't. After that, a 25Core/50Memory decrease should get the job done. If you experience problems like games stuttering/crashing after OC, decrease a little more.
example: +50 > ... > +200 > freeze > +170 > doesn't freeze/artifact anymore > 145 (decrease it by 25 or more)

Also, some cards ship with lesser/higher factory OC. If you overclock seems too high/low, don't worry. It's normal. I got 900+ memory on my Gigabyte 1050 Ti G1 because they didn't overclock it from the factory. Barely got a +100 on the core though because it was overclocked already.
Nice. I was getting anxious because I thought I might max the slider without hitting a limit too. Just make sure it's stable.

Good Luck.