Overclock 8320 questions


Jan 3, 2015
I have a question, obviously. I'm decently aware of computer terms but over clocking I can't understand how to do. How can I safely over clock my AMD 8320 to at least 4.0ghz? I've got a cooler master seidon 120m on a gigabyte 970A-UD3P. My temperatures right now are really good so it's obvious I can push it a little more. I don't recall seeing it ever get above 35℃, maybe even lower. Thanks in advance
Download some form of cpu temp monitor, I use HWmonitor. Also, you want to get some kind of benchmark software. I suggest realbench for this. A lot of people like to torture test their cpu after the overclock but I find that if you can run 3-5 passes of realbench, your processor is fine. Basically, go into BIOS and up the frequency by one notch. If it starts, run thee benchmark. Let it finish. If it doesn't thats not good. If Windows doesn't start, up the voltage to the next number. For the 8320, the safe voltage limit is about 1.5. Up the voltages until windows starts. When the benchmark fails, and the voltagess are as high as you want to go, put the cpu multiplier back down to the last stable frequency. There are lots of guides out...
Download some form of cpu temp monitor, I use HWmonitor. Also, you want to get some kind of benchmark software. I suggest realbench for this. A lot of people like to torture test their cpu after the overclock but I find that if you can run 3-5 passes of realbench, your processor is fine. Basically, go into BIOS and up the frequency by one notch. If it starts, run thee benchmark. Let it finish. If it doesn't thats not good. If Windows doesn't start, up the voltage to the next number. For the 8320, the safe voltage limit is about 1.5. Up the voltages until windows starts. When the benchmark fails, and the voltagess are as high as you want to go, put the cpu multiplier back down to the last stable frequency. There are lots of guides out there. Right now I have my 8320 on stock voltage and 4.0 ghz, but it is very stable right now so I plan to try and get it to atleast 4.2. Best of luck!
You can either OC it from BIOS or from within Windows using AMD Overdrive, however you'd need to open Overdrive every time you log in to get the OC working.

Either way, simplest way to go is to raise the frequency multiplier to 20 to achieve the desired 4.0Ghz. If you do it from BIOS you'll also need to disable Cool n Quiet feature and also disable the Turbo Boost feature, AMD Overdrive will disable both the moment you raise the multiplier.

For a higher OC you'd need to raise the Bus Speed (FSB) while playing with the multiplier and eventually raising the vcore for stability.

Remember to always monitor temps and test for stability with Prime95.