Overclock my geforce 210


Oct 18, 2011
hi guys i have a question,, it is ok to overclock my geforce 210 with 1 gb ddr3.. its stock temperature is about 43 to 45 degrees..then i overclock here GPU clock-644 mhz (default clock 589 mhz) ..memory clock-530 mhz (default 500 mhz) shader clock 1427 mhz (default 1402 mhz)....then the temperature goes up to 55 degrees to 65 degrees...ok my question is..(IS IT SAFE TO HAVE THAT TEMPERATURE??) i think that if you force your card to get his max temperature then it get toasted ryt??
what if i have did something wrong in overclocking what would be the damage to it..?? is the processor and graphic card may toasted or what??
oww...i save the overclock one and i also save default clock..well if im playing games i will use the overclock one them if im not playing on games then i will apply na default one..ryt???haha

0 to 60 in 60 second...... IF you push it down a cliff.
ahmm im not building a gaming computer i just want to be gain more performance..
heres my super specs.. 😀
amd sempron 140 processor 2.75 ghz
1 gb ddr2 memory ram
my motherboard is geforce6100pm-m2
ur RAM and CPU are major issues in performance here.......
single core and insufficient RAM...

He didnt say anything about the height of the cliff :sarcastic:
It could have just been a 10m drop for all we know, besides, isn't getting a lot of airtime the key to a successful jump ?
Which is still higher than a plane would be if it were standing on the runway, after all you never said it was a plane in flight. :kaola:

If you want to play games on that system (which would be the only reason you'd want a faster video card), you need to upgrade the whole thing really. CPU, RAM, video card. Once you upgrade those, you'll probably also need a new power supply to power the stuff. So may as well find a new PC instead of buying parts for this one. Would end up being cheaper overall if you can find a nice used one.

If you don't want to play games on this PC, then leave it as is.
ur RAM and CPU are major issues in performance here.......
single core and insufficient RAM...

He didnt say anything about the height of the cliff :sarcastic:
It could have just been a 5m drop for all we know, besides, isn't getting a lot of airtime the key to a successful jump ?

but dont you hate the atmosphere sometimes ?

5m or not it is still faster than the world's first push by shooting :lol:

Here is a true saying in Croatian, which was very popular, where the car comes from (and it rhymes): "Yugo nije za dugo."
...Translation: "Yugo is not for long."