Overclock power increase


Jun 3, 2014
Say if I were to over lock a i5 4690K with a single R9 390X with a H100i on a 650w, if I left it all stock it would be fine, but say if I managed a 4.5 clock? Just coz it's going in a ITX corsair 380T so I have to find small PSUs and the 750w version is larger and doesn't fit
Personally? Yes. Only because they are one of the best PSUs you can buy. My AX860i almost never makes noise and happily provides me with more than enough power.

A PSU is normally most efficient when at about 50% load and the higher the efficiency the less work it has to do to provide the same power, the cooler it runs and the lower your power bill will be compared to less efficient models.
Personally? Yes. Only because they are one of the best PSUs you can buy. My AX860i almost never makes noise and happily provides me with more than enough power.

A PSU is normally most efficient when at about 50% load and the higher the efficiency the less work it has to do to provide the same power, the cooler it runs and the lower your power bill will be compared to less efficient models.
Thank you for the help, don't think I will get the i version as it is a temp build while I am away from home, just a lot better than a laptop, once I move back I plan on spending 6000 on a hard pipe liquid build so this will be a back up or a lan rig, but I don't want to spend so much that I move before I finish building it lol