Overclocked Ram Error Codes


Feb 7, 2017
So I've begun building my friends PC and his GA-Z170X Gaming 7 Motherboard is displaying a number 55 for an error code. The manual states this is a Ram Initialization Error. He has 3000Mhz Corsair Vengeance Ram which we have now found to be Overclocked. My question is, does this Ram only work on a rig that is overclocked and is it the reason we are getting the error? If not what would be a reason that we are getting this error otherwise?

You have i7 7600 "K" processor so you can OC and you can always set the RAM frequency lower in Bios to try.
To avoid these issues, It's best to select RAM kits from the MB QVL that have been tested and update the Bios.
Bios updates are required to address new RAM as they come onto the market.
If you can't get them to work then return them to point of purchase for an exchange.
Your MB has support for up to 64GB of DDR4 3866MHz RAM however it also depends on the CPUs IMC as to whether they will work or not as anything above 2133MHz is considered an OC.
Very often you can manually apply Primary Timings and Voltage in Bios according to your DIMMs SPD information if XMP profiles don't work.
Higher frequency RAM also very often works better with an increase in CPU frequency OC.
List the CPU if unsure.

You have i7 7600 "K" processor so you can OC and you can always set the RAM frequency lower in Bios to try.
To avoid these issues, It's best to select RAM kits from the MB QVL that have been tested and update the Bios.
Bios updates are required to address new RAM as they come onto the market.
If you can't get them to work then return them to point of purchase for an exchange.