Question Overclocking 4770k/Z97 prime95 AVX2


Nov 1, 2015
I unshelved my ancient 4770k / Z97-E moved it to a bigger case added a bigger heatsink.

Bios got reset

My 10y/o notes (this couldv'e been for the older Z87-A board that got RMA'd or the newer Z97-E board)
CPU multi: 45
vcore: 1.229
cpu cache multi: 41
cpu cache volts: 1.186
VCCIN: 1.78

I cant pass Prime95 or Aida64 w/avx enabled at anything above 4.3ghz. (and still hitting 91C)

I recall "something" had to be changed to prevent voltage spiking and letting vcore drop at idle... (maybe LLC and SVID?)

Does anyone still remember what settings needed to be tweaked on these boards?