i've searched the net long and hard about this issue. so.. i have come for help from the most reliable place... TH forums...
i just want a nice OC on my HIS Radeon 4850!!! the combination of ati and vista 64 is really pissing me off. any one that has a 4850 with vista 64... please help me!!!!!
-CCC doesnt seem to OC anything as nothing happens when i move the sliders.
-rivatuner only lets me do low level tweaks, no driver tweaks. ive read that rivatuner doesnt work well for ati. if i am wrong... what the hell do i do? low level tweak OC changes memory clock to like 1980 when i move core to around 700.
-ati tray tools doesnt boot bc of low level driver whatever
I need help... what is the best/good way to overclock a 4850... ive read so many damn guides that say different things...
i just want a nice OC on my HIS Radeon 4850!!! the combination of ati and vista 64 is really pissing me off. any one that has a 4850 with vista 64... please help me!!!!!
-CCC doesnt seem to OC anything as nothing happens when i move the sliders.
-rivatuner only lets me do low level tweaks, no driver tweaks. ive read that rivatuner doesnt work well for ati. if i am wrong... what the hell do i do? low level tweak OC changes memory clock to like 1980 when i move core to around 700.
-ati tray tools doesnt boot bc of low level driver whatever
I need help... what is the best/good way to overclock a 4850... ive read so many damn guides that say different things...