Overclocking 4850 on vista 64


Feb 7, 2009
i've searched the net long and hard about this issue. so.. i have come for help from the most reliable place... TH forums...
i just want a nice OC on my HIS Radeon 4850!!! the combination of ati and vista 64 is really pissing me off. any one that has a 4850 with vista 64... please help me!!!!!

-CCC doesnt seem to OC anything as nothing happens when i move the sliders.
-rivatuner only lets me do low level tweaks, no driver tweaks. ive read that rivatuner doesnt work well for ati. if i am wrong... what the hell do i do? low level tweak OC changes memory clock to like 1980 when i move core to around 700.
-ati tray tools doesnt boot bc of low level driver whatever

I need help... what is the best/good way to overclock a 4850... ive read so many damn guides that say different things...
sounds like CCC is not functioning properly. try to uninstall all your GPU drivers and overclocking utilities and re-install.

might help you.
Maybe a dumb question, but are the sliders gray? Like zipzoom asked, do they actually slide? Did you click the little padlock at the top to unlock the overclocking?
not dumb at all. im sure people do forget to tick the box. but yeah, i can definitely move the sliders. my problem is that it seems like it isnt overclocking it because the "test custom" button always passes no matter what, even if i push both core and memory to max. also, my FPS isn't changing.
I have the exact same set up.
Vista 64 and a 4850
What happens to me is when i move the slider from 625(reference clock) to something like 675mhz nothing happens. For instance, when you click apply, at the bottom, where it says current values, they remain unchanged. Still sitting there at 625(GPU) and 993(Mem)
I have vista 64bit and a 4830, both the CCC overclocking and the rivatuner program work for me im running it at 700/1000, this was a fresh install and build maybe you need to wipe all your drivers and reinstall.
I have a Sapphire 4850 512Mb
I just reinstalled everything... I maunally set my clocks to GPU: 625MHz and MEM: 995MHz.. tested... pass... apply... the Current Values remain at 160MHz and 250MHz.. is it possible that these values will not change until there is load??

Vista x64 Business
- UAC, driver signing, Security = disabled
Ok so apparently I'm retarded... comparing my CCC to my friends my "current values" section reflects the literal values of the card... ie it changes with load... his card however reflects the set values regardless of load..

when i go into CCC-Info Center-Hardware it does show my adjusted clock.. problem solved, now to maximise my OC