Overclocking 7970, how much can I really get with it?


Jun 2, 2013
-SAPPHIRE Vapor-X Radeon HD7970 GHz Edition 3GB GDDR5
- CORSAIR TX Series CMPSU-650TX 650W
- i7-4770k 3.5GHz

How much room do I really have to Over clock? I don't wanna over do it. I'm not one to usually ask for help like this but I don't really eber over clock that much, in-fact hardly ever have I. I appreciate the input :)
Ah, I see. It's too bad you don't have the original 7970, they actually OC'ed better than the GHz Edition. They, quite ironically, had better boards and lower stock voltages.
There are no guarantees. Don't have a 7970, but I do have the Tahiti based 7870 LE with the stock cooler, and it clocks to 1200 without issues with the voltage slider at +20% and the fan to 100% (machine is not in the same room and I don't have to hear it.) Between 1200 and 1250 it loses stability. It's not a temperature issue as the card stays under 70°C with the fan on full. Enjoy your silicon lottery. 🙂

Looks like other folks get between 1150 and 1250 on their 7970s.

An interesting thread with other folk's 7970 results:


I have a Sapphire 7970 and i can get about 1200/1700 on 1.25V (Using Sapphire Trixx)
Have you tried disabling CCC/Trixx and using Afterburner so you can directly tweak the voltage? Every 7970 I've tried (6 of them) has made 1250 without issue tweaking the voltage directly in Afterburner. A good card can make 1325 on air.