Overclocking, Adaptive Mode Not Working?


Jan 28, 2016
Hello, I have researched for hours, and can’t find a answer to my problem. So I have a i5 6600k processor on a MSI Z170A Gaming M3 motherboard. I overclocked my CPU to 4.6 GHz and found it stable at 1.350 volts. For stress testing, I set the voltage mode to override (or manual) mode. Now that I’m done stress testing, I want to switch the mode to adaptive mode, so the voltage isn’t at the highest all the time. When I switch it to adaptive, CPU-Z and HWmonitor still says my voltage is 1.360 at idle. Did I miss a step here?

Let me elaborate on this more. When I set the CPU voltage (pretty much any voltage I set), CPU-Z and HWmonitor states voltages just a bit higher than I what set in the BIOS. I'm assuming that this difference is normal. The voltage should not be at its highest when the CPU is idle because that's unnecessary and will degrade the CPU over time. However, even in adaptive mode (which to my understanding, should drop voltages when the CPU is idle), CPU still draws 1.36 volts at idle when it draws only about 1.32 volts at load.

My computer runs fine in Adaptive Mode, but it doesn't seem like my voltage is dropping when the CPU is at idle. In fact, it draws more voltage in idle than load (this is also true when in manual mode).
I am not sure how adaptive works, some boards also have an offset mode, where say you normal max voltage is 1.2v, and idle at 0.9v. And your OC is stable at 1.3v, then you would apply an offset to 0.1v where it will now run at 1.3v max and 1.0v idle. Different boards call these different things though.

Back in the Core 2 days with some windows software you could set individual voltages per speed step.
I think i figured out the problem. I flashed the motherboard with a bios update. Even though voltage results are off from what I set in the BIOS (like .030 to .035 V off), adaptive mode is working properly.