I have been trying to squeeze a bit more juice out of my XFX 7950 DD, which ships at 800 MHz. Only managed to get up to 950 MHz under normal voltage and keeping it stable. Voltage seems locked, certainly with oem software (catalyst) and MSI Afterburner, but managed to squeeze a much more acceptable 1050 MHz with Sapphire Trixx, with a not overly excessive 1.088 volts, stable with 3DMark suites of tests and gaming. I'm content with keeping this level (and not sure it'd take much more but bit concerned with vrm temps, in that I can't measure them, and there is no vrm cooling on this card). Core temps go up to 79* max under full load where I've set my fans go up dramatically. Would people think that this is within reasonably safe bounds? Grateful for some thoughts.