Hi there,
Firstly, the motherboard you have is very poor for overclocking so, whatever you do, be careful!
Get Open HWMonitor and you can view the VRM temps when stressing the system.
AMD Overdrive as well (but try to edit in BIOS first, I doubt you will have options to modify the CPU multiplier seeing as that motherboard doesn't have heatsinks on VRMs, but if it doesn't, you should be able to with AMD OverDrive.
Get Prime95 for stress testing too.
And finally, to overclock, you'll need an aftermarket cooler as your stock cooler will not handle it & there is no guarantee you will get anywhere to 4.4ghz (due to the CPU die lottery).
Now for the fun stuff.
Disable the AMD Turbo Core, and C6 State along with P-State Limit & AMD Cool'n'Quiet? - disable all those things in your BIOS.
Crank your fans up to max in the BIOS and save those settings, so you start your PC with fans maxed out (this will avoid you editing anything, and then waiting until Windows fully loads to turn up the fans, ovoiding any potential overheating.)
AGAIN - do not attempt this with the stock cooler, you will not get very far at all and you seriously risk frying your CPU.
Once you've disabled all those features, and if you cannot edit the CPU multiplier in your BIOS, load up AMD Overdrive and select the CPU section, you'll get a slider bar.
Increase multipleir 1 increment at a time, without changing the voltage yet, and then reset, stress test with Prim95 while monitoring your temps (a good 15-20minutes testing is enough to see if you're stable or getting runaway temps)
If your temps are fine and Prime95 doesn't show any error from an unstable system, go up another notch and reset, stress test, repeat....repeat.
Do this until you get an unstable system, then and only then start increasing the voltage a little bit, same process, reset, stress test.
You ceilings are (AMD Overdrive's - CPU section - Thermal Margins, if between 0C-10C, then you are between 0C-10C close to the highest temp limits).
I believe it's about 70-72C, but you really want to keep it under 60-65C for any long period of time (the lower the better).
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - Whatever you do, do not jump from 36x -> 40x/42x/42x, and/or tweak voltage higher in one go, you could immediately destroy your system, within minutes...
Your system was not really designed for overclocking, the CPU, yes, but the motherboard, no... so do so at your own peril.
Still, I believe that you should be able to get some performance out of this.
And also, what PSU do you have?
If you don't have an aftermarket cooler, get something like the CM 212 Evo, cheap and extremely effective.
And good luck!
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