I've done it with the same CPU [A8-7650K 3.3Ghz] & cooler (Hyper 212 Evo).
I enjoy between 4.0Ghz to 4.2ghz maxing out at 56C following Prime95's toture test for 1hr (plenty time).
If you need help on specifics, I am not sure about your motherboard, go to BIOS, check which options are available (that you have access to, not greyed out), download AMD Overdrive as well (excellent for monitoring CPU Temps & Thermal Margins (2 separate things).
You'll need to disable Turbo Core & AMD's Cool-n-Quiet options in the BIOS then the rest, depends on what you have access to.
Let me know and I'd be happy to help, the Frequencies & voltages will depends on what they call the "CPU lottery".
Just ensure you don't go above 70C in temps (unlikely with your system) and do not surpass 1.5V.
After checking BIOS options, load AMD Overdrive and let me know your standard frequency (Mhz) along with the current voltage it's at (1.3375v for me at 3.3Ghz) also the next voltage line will be your NB (NorthBridge) now this you gotta be careful with, most people leave it alone but you will see it spike, depending on the CPU usage (mine is set at 1.2500v when overclocking, if not at 3.3Ghz it's at 1.1375v)
My OC'd settings.
4.2Ghz at 1.475v
NB - 1.2500v
Temps no more than 50-52C with heavy gaming for hours.
Finally, some games will run better with overclocks, some will completely go beserk - but choose "keep settings with AMD Overdrive when resetting my PC" and with every tweak/OC you must reset your PC, helps with stability.
Oh & update your BIOS to latest version - and let me know what you see in there.