Overclocking AMD FX 6300 and AMD R7 260X


Nov 20, 2013
Will I be able to get a good OC for the gpu and around 4.0ghz for the cpu with this motherboard:http://www.flipkart.com/msi-970a-g43-motherboard/p/itmdh4ffmzfazepz?pid=MBDDH4FAEHJBGW5T&ref=2202ab85-0190-472a-a8a0-4ec46c1090fd ?
And can I use a kit of 2X4GB Crucial Ballisticz RAM as system memory?I've read RAM is important in ocing and having a kit is essential.I'm going for a 500W PSU for this system.And will the mobo bottleneck the gpu(pcle slots being 2.0 and 3.0 respectively)?So,please answer the above questions and please feel free to add anything I should keep in mind!
Will I be able to get a good OC for the gpu and around 4.0ghz for the cpu with this motherboard?
don't get that mobo..
msi motherboard for amd is a real crap..
low quality vrm and low quality component..
So forget to overclock with it..

get a real motherboard, at least asus m5a97 r2. this is a minimum board for good amd based system..
at least you can touch 4.2 - 4.4 Ghz with this combo..and of course decent cooler is a must..

And can I use a kit of 2X4GB Crucial Ballisticz RAM as system memory? => yes you can..absolutely..

I'm going for a 500W PSU for this system=> what is the psu brand..? get the well known like seasonic, antec, corsair, fsp...and don't get generic psu..

And will the mobo bottleneck the...
Will I be able to get a good OC for the gpu and around 4.0ghz for the cpu with this motherboard?
don't get that mobo..
msi motherboard for amd is a real crap..
low quality vrm and low quality component..
So forget to overclock with it..

get a real motherboard, at least asus m5a97 r2. this is a minimum board for good amd based system..
at least you can touch 4.2 - 4.4 Ghz with this combo..and of course decent cooler is a must..

And can I use a kit of 2X4GB Crucial Ballisticz RAM as system memory? => yes you can..absolutely..

I'm going for a 500W PSU for this system=> what is the psu brand..? get the well known like seasonic, antec, corsair, fsp...and don't get generic psu..

And will the mobo bottleneck the gpu(pcle slots being 2.0 and 3.0 respectively) => well, delta performance between pcie 3.0 16x and pcie 2.0 16x is less than 1%..
RAM:thanks!I was worried since it wasn't on that list.AMD guys are apparently quite dumd for not including a fairly popular RAM from their support list.:)
PSU😀on't worry,it'll either be Coolermaster or Corsair depending on the discounts.
Motherboard bottleneck😱kay,that 1% does not seem very important.Glad!
Thanks for the answers man!But I'm afraid I can't increase my budget more then for that board(Rs.5500).I won't be able to at all?It does have some kind of heatsink and all solid capacitors.
Picked as best answer but please reply to my last question as well.

Yes, you can with any number of programs including amd overdrive, msi afterburner, asus gpu tweak, sapphire trixx...etc
What resolution/settings were you planning on playing at? Personally I wouldn't recommend gaming with anything less then a 7870(or heavily oc'd 7850) or a r9 270x.
I don't think you will be able to. More like medium to high settings maybe. It depends on what games you play and what frame-rates you are looking for. Speaking from experience, I used to have a 7850 1gb and even overclocked to 1040mhz, I still couldn't max out games at 1600x900. High settings managed to keep 60fps most of the time(50fps some of the time) but with medium shadows and no aa.
Ok,so not as much as I expected but it is an oc card to begin with and I could OC it further.But I can settle for just below max.Anyway,I'm not very concerned about high settings.The screen has more related to budget than maxing out settings on Crysis3 or Metro.

Even if you overclock the card you won't reach the level of performance as a 7850 overclocked to 1040mhz. My 7850 at 1040mhz was struggling at high settings so it's almost certain that you will be getting worse results on that card. It's a lower midrange card plain and simple. Which typically means medium settings. Nothing wrong with that if that's your budget but I'm just letting you know that 1600x900 isn't gonna happen anywhere near max on that card. At 720p(1280x720) you might do better. Hate to come off like a jerk and burst your bubble but it's better you find out before purchasing(assuming you haven't bought it yet) then after. The 7870 to be honest isn't even that great either but it would be perfectly suitable for your needs at 1600x900. I'm currently using a fx 6300 overclocked with a r9 280x and I'm able to get my games on ultra at 1080p.

Yes, the r7 260x is basically a re-branded 7790 oc. The 7790 even with overclocking doesn't match an overclocked 7850. Don't let the higher clock rate fool you, it's a weaker chip so even at that high frequency it still doesn't match. That's a real common mistake. At 720p, the 7790 is a very capable card but not 1600x900. I have my fx 6300 overclocked to 4.3ghz on all 6 cores at the moment. I am currently trying some new techniques to get it higher and I am stress testing it as I write this. I strongly recommend getting the hyper 212 evo cpu cooler as it is very cheap and helps a lot with keeping the temperatures down.
Update:I now have my fx 6300 running stable at 4.4ghz and performance is amazing! It definitely is a great deal.
Just noticing that site is using Rupees. Are you in India? Seems like your graphics card prices are similar to ones here in Taiwan. Graphics cards are expensive here too. That's the reason I got a 7850 at first and that was even pushing my budget at the time. I would be on the lookout for a good deal on either a 7870, r9 270x, or 7950.
You could go for this http://www.snapdeal.com/product/sapphire-hd7850-oc-2gb-ddr5/217442
Sapphires usually have a good reputation of overclocking very well and you should be able to get it up to 7870 levels of performance if you oc it enough.
Wow,you have overpriced graphics cards there too?I'll go for the Sapphire R7 if that's available when I'm buying.The current one on flipkart does not deliver here.The good thing about that snapdeal website is that they offer huge discounts on products just before they go out of stock.Once,they sold some HD6950s for Rs.12000!And another time some GTX 660 AMP! Editions for Rs.10500!

Yeah, I bought my MSI 1gb 7850 oc edition for nearly 5,000NTD. I bought it back in June. What's funny is a few months later the 2gb was around the same price. I eventually gave in and just got a msi r9 280x which is more than enough for 1080p. I got it in downtown Taipei for about 9,800ntd which wasn't too bad. The r9 280x is a re-branded 7970 ghz edition but can be had for 3,000nt less so I went for it. I am now trying to sell my 7850 for half price but strangely no luck as of yet.
Oh just wanted to throw this in there but what kind of powersupply are you using? If India turns out to be the same in pricing for power supplies as well then you most likely might have been tempted to buy a generic brand power supply like I was. For some reason graphics cards and power supplies are really over priced here and everything else is fine. I made the mistake of buying a generic power supply by a company called PCpark which I never heard of. Really bad idea, not only does it put your whole investment at risk(it could blow up and fry you motherboard or other components with it) but it also raised my electric bill a lot. That thing was just eating power. Not worth it in the long run. I ended up getting a Seasonic s12II 520w which was a little pricey but turned out to pretty much pay for itself with all the money I saved on my electric bill. Just a heads up in case you were thinking about buying one of those no name brands especially if you plan on overclocking.
What's funny is even after putting in my r9 280x (which consumes more power then a 7850) my electric bill is still half of what it was with the no name power supply.
You don't have to worry about that.I'm getting a Corsair VS550.Its not the best but its certianlly better than the Coolermaster Thunder(I've been advised against it) and lightyears ahead of the local PSUs.There are some PSUs available from a brands called Intex or something.Its 450W and costs about the same as well.😀Well not really,it costs Rs.550 and my Corsair VS 550 costs around Rs.3400.I don't think the PSUs are overpriced here.But the AMD GPUs are sold around double the US or UK cost(but still cheaper than the NVidias!).
I've personally tended to avoid corsair's power supplies. Yeah, corsair has a big name and practically everyone buys their psu's but they let that get to them and have been slacking off as of late it seems. Coil whine is becoming more and more common on corsair units so I tend to stay away from them. Now that doesn't mean that every corsair unit has issues. I've seen plenty that work perfectly fine but I've also seen enough that don't to keep me away from them. Good luck with yours. If you haven't bought it yet, maybe consider a seasonic?
Edit: Actually now that I think about it, it might only be the Corsair CX series PSU's that had issues so you'll most likely be fine with that psu.
Thats my only option more or less.The CM Thunders aren't that good and all other Corsairs are at least 500-700 Rupees more expensive.Seasonics are either too expensive or don't deliver to my location.Hopefully,the VS series will be great.
It could turn out amazing so go for it if that's your only option. Hopefully you don't get a lemon cpu like I did. My fx 6300 hit 4.4ghz but at much more voltage than everyone else. Just a fair warning: every chip overclocks differently and you never know what you'll get. I guess that is the fun of it.:)
my rig consists of the following:
mobo:asus m5a97 r2
memory: 16gb (4gbx4) of ddr3 1600ghz corsair (dont remember exact name)
cpu: amd fx 8320 overclocked to 4.2 ghz
gpu: XFX r7 260x with 2gb gddr5 (no overclock) http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=8687110&CatId=7387

I am late to this thread but i am running watchdogs at high settings with 4x anti-aliasing at avg. 39 fps with worse mod (improves graphics to look more like seen at E3). Also battlefield 3 at avg 45 fps on ultra and everything up to max. And hardline beta was running at high settings at avg. 36 fps. All this on a 1080p monitor. I dont understand what all the fuzz is about with OC hd 7850 and 7870 this is a midrange card that packs a punch. Ive had this system for little under a month and i can say proudly im not dissapointed at the very least, i will admit it is not the best card but its far far from the worst. Now I know r9 270x is better and is on sale right now for around $160 but if that goes way off of your budget you could save yourself the $40 and buy the r7 260x you will not be dissapointed. The only flaw ive been able to find to it is that the fan is a bit loud but if you are the type to use headphones you will not hear it at all.

r9 270x sale http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=8687104&CatId=7387