Overclocking cooling (air/water) help


Sep 2, 2013
here is the thing. I am building a new PC and will do 50/50 gaming/media center usage. I plan to overclock to maximize my components.

1) How do I know if I need cooling (air or water) any more than what I will have that comes with the case or stock heat sync? I havent built the machine yet but want to know what I do or do not need ahead of time.

I have (ordered):
-AMD FX 8350
-Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3 (4.0)
-G Skillz 1866 CL8 2x4gb
-Cooler Master 700V psu
-Cooler Master Storm Scout II
-*havent decided on GPU yet

2) Should I water cool or air cool, if needed?
First if you have not ordered your parts yet I would look for a better PSU than the Cooler Master they are not the best. Look for Seasonic Antec XFX Corsair they all make really good PSU's. Remember the PSU is the heart of your system if it goes your whole system could go with it.

Well the stock fans that come with the FX CPU's can get quite loud and I would not recommend doing much of any overclocking with them. As for a good air cooled heatsink/fan the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO is really good http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103099 . It runs about $40 and would work great even with overclocking.

If you have not done any water cooling that is something you should read up and learn more about and then come back with specific question since there is a vast amount of hardware and kits to choose from. Including closed loop's to full DIY kits it all really depends on how involved you want to get with water cooling.

But the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO would be a good air cooled solution if that is what you want and will allow you to overclock that CPU.


someone said the same thing but actually said the v series was their best and somehow made with sea sonics parts....?

is 700w enough any way?