Overclocking CPU turns off Crossfire


Oct 18, 2010
title say's it all i overclocked my CPU @ 4.5ghz on my i5 2500k and then boot up in windows fine it's stable and to my surprise crossfire is not in my driver options yet evga percerion picks up my 2nd card so does GPU Z but its all greyed out.

HX850w gold rated

btw could it be that motherbard BLK or w.e called running too high? have this issue? its defaulted to 103.0 but i set it to 100.0
HD7970's i has 2 of them btw setting back to default in bios brings back my crossfire

reason i'm OC is i5 2500k is bottle-necking my Crossfire setup in some games like Bf3 online were my GPU usage on both cards are like 50% to 40%, i uninstalled my drivers run rebooted run driver sweeper and ccleaner registry clean and rebooted installed Beta 13.5 drivers and rebooted and then try OC my CPU

you think so? they are overclocked Gigabyte cards factory OC that is. i wondering if anyone else knows why GPU usage is low on BF3 online.

yes drivers are installed correctly , remeber soon i turn off my OC it comes back up.. it's seems like power issue but i figure same as you Corsiar HX850W should be enough.. and no my GPU is 1GHZcore and 1375 mem , i did use 13.4 originality , but gpu usage was too low i just tested BF3 again and my GPU usage went up a little, i then Down-clocked HD7970 core to 925mhz and gpu usage went up even little more, about 66% each card

and the ULPS were disabled on 13.4 drivers but then enabled on 13.5 beta drivers. should i disable it and try my oc again?
holy crap.. thats huge amounts of steps.. ok should i do nvidia stuff first? and uninstall my AMD drivers as well? and do the steps or should i reboot each time? , from what im aware of i don't think any left over files from nvidia but il check. il have to do this later though coz im tired.. lol.. il post back with if it fix's my problem or not, i did do some googleing some said it could be a bios issue and try updating it.
yeah there is nothing, no nivida files or folders, so i been messing with bios bit today, and still cannot figure out why it does what it does, i'm trying get 4.5ghz OC and soon i change my multiplier BAM AMD drivers no crossfire. set multiplier back to normal BAM crossfire... 🙁 (of course i change voltage to manual mode and set it to 1.25)
yeah prob is, but i don't wanna sound like a noob, but i do feel uncomfeteble updateing bios don't wanna brick my motherboard, its a asus maximus formula , but il do it if i has no choice.