overclocking fx-8350 fail ?


Apr 16, 2015
hello. i recently overclocked my fx-8350 i have M5A99FX Pro r2.0 asus motherboard.
haven't tested anything before.. i went like 4.7ghz and then i tried to play some games. and performance was much better due to the fact that my cpu slowed down my r9 390.
but now i watched temps and loads and i see that 3 cores completely ar at 0% and 1 is like 50/50 rest 4 are properly loaded. is it cause of clocking or it's that how cpu works ? and while we are on this matter all my games run better and temps are like 56 degrees C but i tried to run prime and it like went crazy on temps.. and pc crashed after 70+C i just don't understand... im new in this stuff and clocked by some guide from youtube. so is it still ok to left it like that when it can't pass the test but it performes good and stable while gaming ? ?
Do not overclock like that, unless you want to potentially damage your equipment.

First off that chip's thermal limit is 72 degC, so you hit it and then it crashed (thats for safety).

At least you have a good motherboard.

If you're going to overclock do it right. Download this PDF


Read it, study it.

Then use this guide


Follow it, take slow steps, TEST each level.

You will find a safe overclocking point, it may be 5ghz, it may be 4.5, you'll find it though.

What is your cooler?
Do not overclock like that, unless you want to potentially damage your equipment.

First off that chip's thermal limit is 72 degC, so you hit it and then it crashed (thats for safety).

At least you have a good motherboard.

If you're going to overclock do it right. Download this PDF


Read it, study it.

Then use this guide


Follow it, take slow steps, TEST each level.

You will find a safe overclocking point, it may be 5ghz, it may be 4.5, you'll find it though.

What is your cooler?

ohh i forgot about cooler.. ye it's nothing much coolermaster hyper T4..
ok i get that.. but what about that some of my cores aren't under load while gaming ? it's caused by the overclocking or it's just like that ? i herd somewhere that games don't use all the cores.. and weird tahta any other is at 0% like 1 is ok and 2 0% 3 ok 4 0% and so on.. ?
aand about overclocking.. isn't there just some guide like i saw in youtube ? for my cpu and motherboar ? im just not in to it that much and it takes time an a lot of testing..couldn't it be easier ? 😀 and maybe you can answer about what is happening with me right now ? stable temps.increase in performance in games but can't pass even a minute in test...so what will happen ? it will die or what ? cause temps are ok
Hyper T4 isn't a good overclocking cooler. You need a 212 EVO at least, or the Cryorig H7


See it failing vs the 212?

As for not all cores running, correct not all games use all cores so its possible to have cores idle depending on the game. However on a load that does use all cores you are in trouble.

If you are not into it and expect a quick fix, you won't get one. Overclocking requires time and patience to do properly and each processor is different, even the same model of processor. So no there is no youtube where you can just plug in some numbers and go, it doesn't work like that. Anyone who just gives you numbers is not doing right by you, because your processor may not like them. Then it doesn't work right, or worse you overheat and damage it.

Do it right or don't do it at all.

ye i know the cooler is not the best.. but anyway in really won't get much of what is said in the pdf.. don't know much about that stuff and don't understand the most of it. so im in trouble... but can i still be wit theses configuration if my tems are staying like 56C what the are right now playin like gta 5 i got like 20fps increase and everything seems fine.. or something can happen ?
anyway if someone overclocks it safely on similar or same systeam and they give you a numbers and setting.. why shouldn't you be ok ? i don't talk about MAX increase like when you squeeze all the juice there is.. i'm talking like an optimal safe clock ? i can't go back cause i'm happy with the results.. and i can't do it right way cause i'm an idiot 😀..
so what is the worst threat to me by leaving everything as it is right now ? stable performance and stable good temps..

anyway i just went' in to bios and pressed that auto OC stuff so im guessing it erased all my setting right ?
and i turned on prime small FFT ( i read somewhere that you need to test with that 10 min after each steap of clocking) anyway my temp just rocketed to 70+ like in matter of second.. wtf is that ? maybe im doing it wrong or what ?
Yes that would erase your settings.

Temp rocketing means its overheating, combination of a very weak cooler, and maybe not enough case airflow, AND too much overclock.

Those Auto Overclock things stink, they always make a mess.

Like I said, learn to do it right or live with it slower.

ehh..ok. thanks for help! not sure if i ever understand how to do it right way.. so looks like for me is just hoping for the best and if something burns down i hope it's that old damn cpu