Overclocking i3 530


Jan 29, 2014
So I want to overclock i3 530 to 4ghz but I have seen all ppl that overclock it put voltage around 1.35-1.4V. I run it currently at 3.52 GHz at 1.20-1.25V so I don´t think I need that much voltage on my v-core.So what you guys think, should I go with lowest stable voltage or just go with 1.35-1.4v. I know there is a lot of threads with overclocking guides but since all of them use so high voltages I just don´t know what to do.
Here is my specs:
antec 500w
freezer arctic 7
ddr3 8gb 1333Ghz(1x4gb 1600mhz(samsung) and 2x2gb 1333mhz(one kingston one samsung))
gtx 1050ti evega ssc
You always go for the lowest stable voltage. The only thing adding more voltage that you need will do is add more heat and suck more power.

However just because 3.5ghz is stable at 1.25v does not mean 4.0ghz will necessarily stable at 1.3v or less, it's possible but the voltage required for a certain clock speed is not a linear progression.

Leave it at stock.
You've mixed the ram with different brands so different specs and TIMINGS.
And the system will then crash.
So leave it at STOCK.

I must disagree with you, I bought mobo, cpu, cooler and ram for about 70€, and I play on it every game at max settings at 1080p around 60fps. Today games are 80% dependent on gpu and since here 1060 where like 300€ and 1050ti was like 170€, I went for 1050ti. So I payed for my pc around 270€ for that money I can buy only cpu and mobo (none overclockable). I plan on later buying xeon, but for now this cpu is totally fine.

Thanks a lot, really appreciate your help.

Well that is good right?
But since you are planning buying a Xeon Cpu that would be better.
Because the Xeon CPU's are pretty cheap and 32GB DDR3 ECC ram are now just $18 and of course the motherboard are just somewhere at $20-50 so that would be also good.
But the problem with server builds is that you have then that ugly green motherboards and the MOBO's are most likely not overclockable.
So i would suggest you to buy a decent Xeon cpu to run the game perfectly fine.
Yes it is good since ddr4 is overpriced ( 4gb ddr3 costs 18€, ddr4 4gb costs 50€), mobo z270 and i3 k are cheapest 280€.
I will stick with same mobo, going to change those 2 sticks of ram to only 1 stick 4gb 1600mhz, buy an x3470 and overclock it to 3.5-4ghz.

Well that is a good build!
Are you now trying to overclock the CPU to 4GHZ?
Yeah I wouldn't try overclocking that mish mash of RAM, you are probably lucky it works at all. Some games will certainly cause a first gen i3 to bottleneck a 1050 ti, but most games should still be perfectly playable.

Yeah I am, but I saw most of the ppl run it at 1.35-1.4ghz so I was wondering do I need my voltage so high if my cpu works fine on lower voltage, but Dunlop explained me that I do not. I will probably wait for my memory to arrive and than overclock it since it is a lot of different brands, timings, latency, speed...