Overclocking i3 6100 iGPU Intel HD 530 - Is it possible? (And some other questions)


Oct 31, 2016
Before anything else, I apologize if my english is hard to read, I'm from Argentina. :spamafote:

I'm building a Gaming PC for a friend, and he's kind of on a low budget. He'll actually buy some components as he gets the money to afford them. Bear in mind that since we live in Argentina, the variety of components we can get is not that high, but the price... that is high.
(Some stuff can cost double compared to their original price on the US)

I've tried to choose some cheap but good stuff, so here's the build: ( PC Part Picker )

CPU: i3 6100 3.7Ghz (iGPU: Intel HD 530)
Motherboard: MSI B150M Gaming Pro
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 2x8GB 2400Mhz (Downclocked to 2133Mhz)
PSU: EVGA 500w 80 Plus
Case: Corsair Spec-03 Red
HDD: Western Digital BLACK SERIES 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM
Monitor: Samsung 21'5 LED 22D300H

Note: I'm choosing Corsair memories over Kingston Hyper X 2133Mhz, because the Corsair ones are cheaper in Argentina for some reason.

This build is probably not worth in the US, but believe me that here it is, and since he says he'll buy the GPU last, expecting to be able to afford the best one possible by that time, he'll have to make that iGPU work for a complete year.

So here is when my efforts for finding the best iGPU struggles a little bit. So my options are:

1° Option - Overclocking I3 6100 iGPU (not the CPU itself)

The idea is to overclock the Intel HD 530 utilizing the Bios or "Intel Extreme Tuning Utility", but i don't know if it's possible. I mean, Can you overclock the iGPU of a "non-K" Intel CPU?.

I've read people saying they did and that it's even possible on some "non-K" Intel CPUs, through some motherboards that allow it or through Intel's Utility, but they never specify on which processor they overclocked.

I'm also considering to change the EVGA 500 for the EVGA 600B 80Plus if the overclocking is possible, since i don't know how much the power consuption will raise from that, or if i'll have to change the CPU Cooler too.
So that leads me to my second question, Is it worth overclocking the Intel HD 530?.

2° Option - Trying to stretch the Budget to a i5 6500

This depends on the i3 6100 iGPU's performance and if it is possible to overclock it or not, but since it's hard for me to determine that, and most benchmarks focus on i5 and i7, I'll have to rely on you guys: Is the i5 6500 iGPU performance worth the price? (Compared to i3 6100 iGPU).

3° Option - Trying to strech the Budget even further to a i5 6600k

I don't really like this option since my friend will focus on gaming, and he will buy the GPU after a year, and i don't really expect the i5 6600k iGPU to be especially better than the i5 6600 or i3 6100 ones, just more expensive.
So, what do you think? Is it worth buying the 6600K to play games with it's iGPU?.

Finally a weird question: Does the memory speed affect the iGPU performance? (More Hz = More FPS?)

I just watched one video (Yes, I know... :pfff:) comparing the performance of an Intel HD 530 on different memory speeds, and gaining from 5 to 10 fps by changing the speed from 2133Mhz to 2666Mhz, and then having issues with some games and losing fps on 3000Mhz.

If you made it through all this text, i can't thank you enough for reading... it was a long f*cking post, but please find comfort on the fact that it probably took me more than double the time to write this since it's not my native language.

P.S: If you were wondering how much this build costs on Argentina, well... it's over 900USD. :crazy:
You would need a Z170 chipset motherboard to overclock the igpu and the processor itself. Also if your planning on gaming on the i gpu, grab faster ram, like 2666Mhz or more, it gives very noticable performance. For me, i would say it would be a waste of money and effort to overclock the i3 6100, as it would require a much more expensive motherboard, ram and power supply. If you were to spend a bit more over it, just go straight for the i5 6500.

Another thing, why do you only want to game on the igpu? If you can dish out the cash for a i5 6500/6600k, just get the i3 6100 with a dedicated gpu like the 1050 ti or RX 470. Also, switching the evga 500b for the 600b would not make a difference. Do you already own components?

My advice to you would be, get the i3 6100, a H110M mobo, 1x8gb stick of ram and a dedicated gpu.

If I need to change the motherboard to be able to overclock the iGPU, then you're right it will be far more expensive, but at the same time the MSI B150M only supports up to 2133Mhz so i will not be able to make use of faster rams for the iGPU, although i'll consider it since it would not requiere to change the PSU.

About gaming on an iGPU instead of a Dedicated GPU, well... My friend is in college and he gets jobs from time to time, so he's pratically buying some components and then waiting for the next job to buy whatever he still needs, making the GPU even harder to get early on, specially since he can't recycle anything from his old computer.

And the website we're buying from is "Mercado Libre Argentina", it's the cheapest place to buy if you don't live on Argentina's Capital, and you want to avoid the mess that is trying to buy outside the country.


Really? Then i would be able to overclock the iGPU... But how do you know? I haven't been able to find people that overclocked their iGPU and offer at the same time info about their PCs Components 🙁
This is what i'll do, I'll encourage my friend to go for an i5 6500 and a MSI Z170-A PRO, if he can afford it by that time, since it will mean better CPU, iGPU, and faster memory. About the overclocking I'll try to avoid it, but if it is possible I'll overclock the iGPU on a small degree just to see if it has some real effects on games.

Regarding the PSU, he'll buy first the Case and PSU, so the 2 cheapest options are from EVGA:

- EVGA 500w 80Plus ($1290 ARS or $80,63 USD)
- EVGA 600w 80Plus Bronze ($1749 ARS or $109,31 USD)

The 600B seems to be more than enough, and that's good considering that we may overclock the iGPU altough the more i say it the least it sounds like a good idea. At the same time the 600B also seems to be an "overkill", unless he plans on buying 2 GPU on SLI which the motherboard don't support, and he mostly will buy just one good GPU.

The build will be something like this: ( PC Part Picker )

By the way, i know it seems like I'm locking myself (and my friend) on brands like Corsair, MSI and EVGA, but it's really cheaper here.
Those power supplies are very low quality, i wouldnt recommend them. If your going for a Z17O-A Pro(great choice) you as well pony up a it more and get an i5 6600k and properly overclock the shit out of your igpu and cpu. Go for a better quality powersupply and affordable like the Seasonic S122, XFX TS, Corsair CXM(white). Also you may also want to purchase an aftermarket cpu cooler like the Cryorig H7 to keep your temps under control.

If you mean the XFX TS 550w, that's something that have a similar price than the EVGA 600B and it seems better too, so i'll tell my friend to buy that.

And actually no xD He can't afford that, he's practically buying just 2 components (Case and PSU) now that are worth around 250USD (doing an imaginary approximation, and yes here this things are kind of expensive), and he'll buy another components worth around that same amount in next month or even later if he doesn't get a job.
The 1050ti seems alright, and my friend is not planning on gaming on higher resolutions than 1080p, so i don't think is that bad if it takes a year to buy the gpu.

That's even worse if he's getting components that won't be used for awhile. New stuff will be out that will be better for the same price or older stuff that drops some. Not to mention if it's bad, it'll be pass the return date and may cost more to replace. Tell him to save unless there is some other reason I'm missing. I know stuff is expensive there, I know some people from Brazil which is bad too I hear. In some cases it might be cheaper to fly to another country, buy stuff then fly back.

That's an issue i've been trying to solve, because you're right, i won't be able to test if everything arrived safely and working... I could make him save money and get the Rams, CPU, and Mobo at the same time later to avoid that, which wouldn't delay the date he completes this build, and could even give him the option to choose a Zen CPU if they ever appear here, because remember that he'll only buy a Case and PSU for now.

I haven't consider buying used parts, I know they can work pretty well but I don't feel confortable doing that because in the past i only bought from friends and I was more than sure that they were working, so i get the "stranger danger" feeling over what i'm buying.

I checked a website where people usually sell used stuff in my city, but no CPUs were there. Then i checked on the website i mentioned before (Mercado Libre Argentina) and there are some used good components to choose, it's just that i'll be buying them from anywhere in Argentina.

I found, for example, a 9 months used i5 6500 that is around $62 USD cheaper than a new one. Or a 6600K at the same price than a 6500.

Aaaand... my friend just told me that he really won't buy used components. :??:

Yes, but not really, as I said he's a student that just gets around 250USD per job (remember everything is at least x1.5 more expensive here) and he's not guaranteed to get a job every week or even every month.

That's why the plan was to buy a PSU and Case first, and then save money for CPU, Motherboard, and Memory, later he has to buy a HDD and Monitor, because he can't recicly anything from his old computer, which he has to pay from the payment.of 2 jobs. Finally, and lastly, he'll save money again for the GPU.

Since he has to save money anyway, and use the iGPU for who knows how long, the idea was to get the best performance from the iGPU, and is the reason this post exist.