Overclocking i5-4690k temps, swiftech h220 / Offset Voltage


Mar 28, 2013
This is more of a 2 part question:
First part is I am stable at 4.5ghz at 1.23 Vcore, with the temps being around 80-81º C under full load. While Idle it is around 27-30º C. This seems a bit high compared to what i see other people. I have 5 fans in my case, and i assume i set up the swiftech correctly. I see other people with air coolers and around the same voltage with cooler temps.
Second part is now that I am stable I would like to use the offset voltage. I am a little confused on how to do this. From what i understand i need to find and enable Load line caliber, and set the offset voltage to a - voltage and see what the LLC sets my new cpu speed to and set the offsett vcore to match that stability. Is this correct?


What's your ambient temp? Where is the radiator located? What fans are on the radiator? How many fans are on the radiator? What case are you using?

As for offset voltage, I don't see why its necessary. You could simply lower the voltage. Offset voltage and LLC are relatively independent, and LLC is definitely independent of CPU frequency. LLC is related to vdroop: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/24019-load-line-calibration-why-overclockers-should-care/


Intel Master

Please define "full load".