Overclocking i5-7600K - EasyTune options unclickable (greyed out)


Sep 20, 2016
Just installed easy tune and can't click any of the smart quick boost or advanced CPU OC options in the panels. Any ideas?

Motherboard: Z170X-Gaming 3 Gigabyte
PSU: 500 80 Bronze certified EVGA
Ram: Have a combination of two brands with a total of 24GB (DDR4)
CPU: Core i5-7600K @ 4.2 GHz
GPU: Asus GTX 1060 6GB
HDD: 1TB WD Caviar Blue 7200
SSD: 220GB Sandisk

from your specs you do have the right motherboard to overclock. did you check your BIOS to see if you are able to overclock within there?


I did, all my settings for voltage and frequency are on auto. I can’t change my core frequency ratio or the voltage.

if you can't access the settings in the BIOS then it sounds like you don't have the K version of that CPU. it would be best to run a program like CPU-Z and verify what CPU you have.

also, is the a brand name PC like a HP or Dell?

Haha I’m absolutely sure it is. I figured out my issue was simply using the number keys instead of enter lol.

However, this didn’t fix my issue with easytune. I was able to over lock using my mobo.