Good evening,
I was doing some research on how to overclock my i7 4790k, with the idea of improving my 3D rendering performance, but also with the hope my frame rate could become a bit better at CPU intensive games when playing on my 4k monitor.
I have been looking many guides all around the web, started testing the auto OC that Asus gave me, both for 4.4 and 4.6 with their software, but I found out volts where about 1.35v and my air cooled CPU couldn't hold the temps.
Sometimes I would pass AIDAs 64 test, some other times my PC would simply freeze. Tired of trying I tried a different approach, which I found right here on these forums:
Right now I'm at stable 4.5 at 1.225, though I am trying to get the lowest vCore possible but somehow my PC ignores my settings (will explain later).
So... everything seems fine with RealBench, until I try to get to 4.6.
Why? Because it doesn't matter how much I push vCores, it keeps freezing even when temps do not even reach 80 degrees!
I am at the first step of my overclock and finding myself quite lost, was I just unlucky on the silicone lottery? Am I doing something wrong?
I am sending you my current setup, please, let me know what you think.
AI Overclock Tuner = Auto
1-Core Ratio Limit = 45
Max. CPU Cache Ratio = Auto
Min. CPU Cache Ratio = Auto
Core Voltage = Adaptive (Offset Auto or 0.01, tried 0.025 as well)
Additional Turbo Mode CPU Core Voltage = 1.18 (it bumps it to 1.225... I tried with 1.2 and it bumps it to 1.5... I don't know if should just go with manual or doing something wrong..)
Eventual CPU Input Voltage = 1.88 (I lowered it after I saw things were working, THOUGH, HWinInfo tells my my VCCIN moves from 1.888 to 1.902... should I worry?)
DRAM Voltage = Auto
I have not touched any Cache settings yet as I first want to set the clock.
As said before... this build is stable right now, though the adaptive voltage keeps increasing more than I would like, but, when moving to 4.6... it's impossible, it just freezes no matter what I do.
My last change was to active VRM CPU Spectrum and chose level 9 (just testing right now) of Load-in line calibration.
Leaving you my PC specs as well:
Maximus VII Hero
i7-4790k (BeQuiet Dark Rock TF)
32GB RAM 1866
GTX 970
Hope you can help me a bit here folks...
I was doing some research on how to overclock my i7 4790k, with the idea of improving my 3D rendering performance, but also with the hope my frame rate could become a bit better at CPU intensive games when playing on my 4k monitor.
I have been looking many guides all around the web, started testing the auto OC that Asus gave me, both for 4.4 and 4.6 with their software, but I found out volts where about 1.35v and my air cooled CPU couldn't hold the temps.
Sometimes I would pass AIDAs 64 test, some other times my PC would simply freeze. Tired of trying I tried a different approach, which I found right here on these forums:
Intel i7-4790K Core Speed vs Cache Speed
Hello again everyone! I do apologies for the amount of threads I have been making recently, hopefully I will go away soon enough! =P I have been having a fair amount of trouble trying to get my Intel i7-4790K stable at 4.4GHz Core and Cache but haven't been able to pass Prime95 (27.9) or AIDA64...

Right now I'm at stable 4.5 at 1.225, though I am trying to get the lowest vCore possible but somehow my PC ignores my settings (will explain later).
So... everything seems fine with RealBench, until I try to get to 4.6.
Why? Because it doesn't matter how much I push vCores, it keeps freezing even when temps do not even reach 80 degrees!
I am at the first step of my overclock and finding myself quite lost, was I just unlucky on the silicone lottery? Am I doing something wrong?
I am sending you my current setup, please, let me know what you think.
AI Overclock Tuner = Auto
1-Core Ratio Limit = 45
Max. CPU Cache Ratio = Auto
Min. CPU Cache Ratio = Auto
Core Voltage = Adaptive (Offset Auto or 0.01, tried 0.025 as well)
Additional Turbo Mode CPU Core Voltage = 1.18 (it bumps it to 1.225... I tried with 1.2 and it bumps it to 1.5... I don't know if should just go with manual or doing something wrong..)
Eventual CPU Input Voltage = 1.88 (I lowered it after I saw things were working, THOUGH, HWinInfo tells my my VCCIN moves from 1.888 to 1.902... should I worry?)
DRAM Voltage = Auto
I have not touched any Cache settings yet as I first want to set the clock.
As said before... this build is stable right now, though the adaptive voltage keeps increasing more than I would like, but, when moving to 4.6... it's impossible, it just freezes no matter what I do.
My last change was to active VRM CPU Spectrum and chose level 9 (just testing right now) of Load-in line calibration.
Leaving you my PC specs as well:
Maximus VII Hero
i7-4790k (BeQuiet Dark Rock TF)
32GB RAM 1866
GTX 970
Hope you can help me a bit here folks...
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