Overclocking i7 4800mq

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Aug 12, 2013
I have an alienware 18 and I'm planning on overclocking my i7 4800mq cpu (2.7 ghz and 3.7 w/ turboboost)..
Up to what clocking do you guys think it's safe/stable to overclock it?
What is the max temperature considered to be safe/ stable?
laptop's already run hot enough. I wouldn't overclock it anymore, your not going to see a huge boost in performance for a few hundred mhz but you'll feel the heat. It already turboboosts to 3.7, leave it alone before you overheat your laptop.
laptop's already run hot enough. I wouldn't overclock it anymore, your not going to see a huge boost in performance for a few hundred mhz but you'll feel the heat. It already turboboosts to 3.7, leave it alone before you overheat your laptop.
^ This.

Laptops have a hard enough time dealing with the heat of their components at stock speeds. That is why most laptops have locked BIOS to prevent overclocking.

Agreed. You are talking about a 5% performance boost in exchange for potentially taking years off the laptop's life. Let it be and enjoy. That CPU is a beast.
I see your points...and you've convinced me not to do it hahah. The problem is that I also have dual gtx 780m in sli and what I'm afraid of is that my cpu may bottleneck my gpu. Please do tell me if I'm mistaken :)
i'll pile on with the other guys.

DON'T overclock anything in a laptop. generally their cooling solutions are barely adequate for standard operation. Hell, out here in phoenix in the summer they're not even good enough for that (i can't tell you how many laptops i've seen burn out here just web surfing somewhere without ac)

btw: if that cpu bottlenecks your gpus, then they shouldn't make laptops with those gpus in sli.
Dont overclock your laptop.it will just increase the heat and decrease the lifespan.your cpu wont bottleneck the dual card as it is quiet powerful.i have the m17 with the i7-4700MQ and a single gtx 765m and i am not looking foward to overclocking as it efficient in running most of today's games at high setting.when thing got tough i would just upgrade my gpu to a gtx 780m or 7970m.no need for overclocking.anyway your spec just blow's mine out of the water.😀
Registered for this site specifically for this thread, because many of you are quite wrong in your assumptions.

They can overclock the laptop hardware just fine, the alienware cooling solution handles overclocking very well. I have an Alienware M17X R4 custom modded and heavily overclocked laptop and the system handles the overclocks very well.

Example: The Alienware 17/M17X R4 cooling solution is a dual fan 2 heatpipe CPU heatsink design, and a triple heatpipe large spreader GPU heatsink design(which is also in contact with the RAM.) They are direct copper contact designed and have quite large fin arrays.
The alienware 18 has the same dual pipe CPU heatsink(different design) and dual triple pipe gpu heatsinks.

There's plenty of thermal headroom for overclocking the CPU and GPU's in an alienware 17 and 18.

My Super Aienware M17X R4(modded) has astonishingly good thermal performance, with the GPU topping out at 67C with nothing but sitting flat on the desk, no cooling assistance, just its built in feet.
CPU tends to hang around 75C~80C reguardless of the overclock.

My system OC'd parts: i7 3740QM at 4ghz, HD 7970M 927mhz Core 1225mhz Memory 1.008v Core Voltage. Max termperature I've seen is 67C.
Link to my build: http://www.overclock.net/t/1397732/my-alienware-super-m17x-r4-custom-build-log/0_100

The real question is what the overclocking limitations are on the i7 4800MQ on the hm87. the i7 3740QM is maxed at 43 41 39 39, and depending on how much you wanna mess with your Bclk.

Thanks for the reply :) Do you think that msi afterburner would be a good program to overclock my i7 4800mq?

You don't use GPU overclocking for CPUs, use the Bios.
I don't know the bios of the haswell hm87 chipset for the alienware systems, so check for a performance option, or check the bios over for an "extreme overclocking" or something similar in the bios.
Afterwards you can tune in the XTU(intel extreme tuning utility).

to OC my i7 3740QM to 4ghz I had to go into the BIOS and set the multipliers to 43 41 39 39 and then up the BLCK to 102.2 reference clock, and set JEDEC#7 1866mhz XMP timings at RAM 1.55voltage.
I don't know if your 4800MQ is limited and what its mutilpier and other limits are.
If you set something too high or out of parameters, the motherboard will kick the overclock back to default.
So just check through the bios and come on back and let me know whats up. I'll see if I cant help ya out.

I have no idea of how to access the bios on windows ´8, tried pressing delete ir f2 at startup, but none of them worked :/ perhaps would you be so kind and have the patience to write a small "guide" on how to overclock it with the intel xtu utility or if not with xtu just any other method (xtu would be simpler) thanks :)

my god!! I have been searching the web for days for someone that could help and you seem to have a very similar system to mine!! :)

I have a m17x with GTX680m and 16gb Ram, Ive just dropped a 3940xm in and I want to overclock but I wasn't sure weather its better to do it in BIOS or XTU... to be honest I'm not really sure what all the settings mean, but I've heard that it "can" run at 4 - 4.2ghz very well. Do you have any advise on where to start gently overclocking?



My CPU runs at 4ghz just fine, an extreme one shouldn't have any trouble hitting 4.2ghz.

Cut the crap, especially because you're a moderator. Don't exaggerate and perpetuate false stereotypes.
I explained the thermal performance, theres' no need to make smarmy comments like this.
Okay, no reason to be rude. Do not overclock laptops. You yourself said yours is at 4ghz custom modded. Also 75c-80c is AWFUL on a CPU, that is the absolute highest it should go, and at that point it won't last long, not to mention it goes on your lap!

+1 internets to this post

please stop advising people to overclock laptops. Without some serious custom modding 99% of laptops out there simply can't handle even slight boost in voltage and clocks. This type of advice could lead someone to destroying their laptop.

generally we don't want to tell people how to break their stuff... especially when that person can't even get into the bios of their laptop
I've got to say that I have read not a single thread on any site about a laptop burning horror story? In fact all I've read is that Alienware's can take clocking easily.... in fact.. I started to gently clock mine last night and it took it like an absolute champ.....

So any way Diclonius Franbunny, many thanks for the correct advise... maybe you should have ingtar33's job on here 😉
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