Overclocking Intel(R) Graphics 4400 limits


Dec 27, 2015
So the question here is: what are the limits for overclocking Intel Graphics 4400?
To overclock my graphics card i have to use "Intel Extreme Tuning Utility" but i don't want to mess up my PC and cause overheat, stability and performance issues so i need to know the limits!
Would anyone be very kind and answer the question? (i know it's risks i just want the answer)
In short, you can't separately overclock the onboard GPU of Intel chips in a motherboard BIOS. I would not trust any "Extreme Tuning Utility" option in a motherboard software like ASUS's "TurboV" utility. These programs do not allow the fine tuning necessary (voltage control specifically). I've been building Intel rigs with onboard graphics since the Core 2 Duo days (although the iGPU was on the motherboard on those chipsets).

And even if you could overclock the integrated graphics, there really wouldn't be much difference anyway since it's such low end GPU power to begin with (compared to separate dedicated GPU cards).

In short, you can't separately overclock the onboard GPU of Intel chips in a motherboard BIOS. I would not trust any "Extreme Tuning Utility" option in a motherboard software like ASUS's "TurboV" utility. These programs do not allow the fine tuning necessary (voltage control specifically). I've been building Intel rigs with onboard graphics since the Core 2 Duo days (although the iGPU was on the motherboard on those chipsets).

And even if you could overclock the integrated graphics, there really wouldn't be much difference anyway since it's such low end GPU power to begin with (compared to separate dedicated GPU cards).

Again, I would not trust using a software utility to overclock anything. Overclocking needs to be done at the BIOS level so you can fully manage and control critical things like voltages. But, it's your chip to play with. I just would strongly recommend against it.

It's not a question of what performance increase you would see (and you would not come close to seeing a boost of max frames from 19FPS to 30FPS). At best maybe 2-3FPS. I think the guy is saying if you get 28FPS now, you may see 30FPS with an iGPU overclock. And I fully agree. Hope this helps.