Overclocking my Computer


Dec 15, 2015
After buying computer from Newegg, (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227507 this one), I have never been happier because it was my first computer with decent specs. Now, however, I wish that I could get more performance out of this gear and found out one could do it by overclocking GPU and CPU. It would be nice if someone could give me an advice of how to successively overclock both GPU and CPU! p.s. I sometimes play Planetside 2, a CPU heavy game, so tips on overclocking CPU will be nice.
AMD FX-8320 3.5 GHz
AMD 760G
400W Power

500W PSU
not to discourage you but the best you can do is upgrade CPU cooler, upgrade to GTX 1050Ti or RX 470, anyway start saving money for $70 PSU first (any good review 80+ gold certified PSU), then $ 70 such as Noctua DH14.
Good News
For 1366x768 monitor you can play new 3D games such as battlefield 4, GTA, etc with GTX 950, more than enough to run photoshop, view multiple video web page at once.
You Shouldn't
OCing anything...
We need to know your full system specs 1st:

  • ■ look at the PSU, tell us what +12 Volt ampere is on the sticker, also the brand and model and part number,
    ■ look at the motherboard, brand and model, also go to BIOS and check its BIOS version.
    ■ brand and model of CPU cooler.
I've sold AMD 760G boards, most of them only have 4+1 phase power which is not good in term of finding stable power delivery. So after you provide us the detail then we may provide you of OC steps.
PSU - I'm not too sure because there were 2 +12V, +12V1 and +12V2.
+12V1 is 17A and +12V2 is 14A
ATX SL-F400 (Not sure about part number)
Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3
BIOS version: Award Software International, Inc. F2, 11/25/2014
CPU Cooler - AVC Z8UH01L105

500W PSU
not to discourage you but the best you can do is upgrade CPU cooler, upgrade to GTX 1050Ti or RX 470, anyway start saving money for $70 PSU first (any good review 80+ gold certified PSU), then $ 70 such as Noctua DH14.
Good News
For 1366x768 monitor you can play new 3D games such as battlefield 4, GTA, etc with GTX 950, more than enough to run photoshop, view multiple video web page at once.
You Shouldn't
OCing anything before you get good PSU, tested worked OC of 8320 sample may different to yours,
