Overclocking my FX 6300


May 30, 2014
Hello there, I was thinking of overclocking my FX 6300. But this is my first time overclocking. So I was wondering if someone could tell me a step by step what to do. I was thinking of overclocking it to about 4.1ghz or somewhere near that speed. I have the GIGABYTE 78LMT-USB motherboard but I don't seem to find any overclocking guides with my motherboard. If you already have found a tutorial with my motherboard would it be possible to send me the link to it please? Thanks

My CPU: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B009O7YORK?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00

My motherboard : http://www.aria.co.uk/Products/Components/Motherboards/AMD+Socket/Socket+AM3%2B+Piledriver+FX/GIGABYTE+GA-78LMT-USB3+AMD+760G+%28Socket+AM3%2B%29+Micro-ATX+Motherboard+?productId=51949&source=pcpartpicker

If there is anything else I need to add please tell me :).
First get a better than factory stock cooler, that one is barely enough for normal usage under longer stress. Another important part is PSU, has to give steady power with no fluctuations.
I check everything first under full prolonged load because any instability at stock will be multiplied under OC.
http://www.ocbase.com/index.php/download is good program for that. It shows most important data about temps and voltages.
http://www.amd.com/en-us/innovations/software-technologies/technologies-gaming/over-drive is most accurate program for AMD platform to check all MB/CPU parameters and has torture test too, just don't use it for OC.
Next step is to enter BIOS setup and raise Multiplier a notch or two and repeat tests watching...
First get a better than factory stock cooler, that one is barely enough for normal usage under longer stress. Another important part is PSU, has to give steady power with no fluctuations.
I check everything first under full prolonged load because any instability at stock will be multiplied under OC.
http://www.ocbase.com/index.php/download is good program for that. It shows most important data about temps and voltages.
http://www.amd.com/en-us/innovations/software-technologies/technologies-gaming/over-drive is most accurate program for AMD platform to check all MB/CPU parameters and has torture test too, just don't use it for OC.
Next step is to enter BIOS setup and raise Multiplier a notch or two and repeat tests watching temperatures and voltages. Note that in AOD temperatures are shown as Thermal Margin (to a point when CPU will throttle down due to excessive heat and is about 10c).
Repeat the steps for every multiplier step until it's stable no more. When you reach it's maximum like that, back multiplier a notch to regain stability.
In mean time use your favorite games/programs to see any gain, when there's no more gain, there's no point going further. That goes for stability too, if your OC is not stable enough, it will become pain in you know what.
There are some more steps but about that when you reach your stable OC this way.
Open your MB's manual to see BIOS settings and find and temporary disable all power saving and turbo features so they don't interfere with OC, some of them you'll be able to return after you have finished OCing.
Please note that all the CPUs, MBs and memories are not same even within same model and end OC may not be same for all, you'll have to find those limits yourself for your particular system.

Wow. Thanks for helping me out 😀 . But one question : Just by raising the multiplier you are already overclocking? as in you are making your cpu run faster just by doing that?

What happens if I go too high with the multiplier? would my cpu just die or would the whole computer wont work?
You might have problem booting at some point if it's overdone. In that case you need to reset BIOS to default values, check the manual to see how. It could be done by removing MB battery for few minutes, there could be a button on MB or couple of pins on MB that have to be shorted as the case may be. Nothing should get damaged because of safeties built in MB and CPU. You'll start getting warnings and/or experience shutdowns long before any damage is done, just heed those warnings.

Thanks for your time and sorry for asking so many questions. I feel confident now :)

Strange. Cant seem to go in bios. It seems like my keyboard only starts up when windows does.