Overclocking my i5 4690k with a 212 evo


Dec 3, 2014
Hi, I want to overclock my i5 4690k but I don't know how and what settings to use. I already downloaded msi afterburner and gpu tweak. My question to you guys is what are the best safe settings to oc my cpu to? I red on another forum that you need to oc you cpu progressively, so each time a little bit higher. Please describe exactly what I need to do.
My pc parts:
cpu: Intel Core i5-4690K
mobo: Gigabyte GA-Z97X-SLI
gpu: Asus R9290-DC2OC-4GD5
case: Nzxt Phantom 240
cpu cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO
ram: G.Skill Ripjaws X F3-12800CL9D-8GBXL
psu: Silverstone Strider Essential 700W Bronze

Thank you for the help, I appreciate it a lot.
We cant tell you the direct settings. Even if we have almost same rig I cant tell you the settings. You have to find it yourself. It depends on the CPU and its quality. It can also happen that your friend has the same rig, and you reach the 4.5 GHz and your friend not even the 4 GHz. This is the step by step method, cant go directly to any settings.
I will recommend to do overclocking in bios because it needs less voltage, higher oc and if also increase the processor life comparable to oc by software. Also If you get Any manual settings and of you go for that then the oc will be unstable and will produce more heat. If you give less voltage...
Have a read of this, which is the same guide I used; http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/272214-29-wolfram-beginner-guide-overclocking.

Here are a few general pointers:

1. Make sure you know what you're doing before you start.
2. Overclock in a progressive manner, as you said.
3. Don't rely on someone else's figures; overclocking isn't an exact science.
4. Overclock using the BIOS.

As long as you take your time and understand what you're doing, overclocking is safe and easy.
No two processors (even identical ones) can be guaranteed to get a certain level of overclock, each one must be overclocked on its own accord. With the 4690k, you could quite easily get 300Mhz increase in the base clock by just changing the multiplier alone, no voltage increase will be required and the 212 evo is a great cooler ideally suited to the job. Best of luck!
We cant tell you the direct settings. Even if we have almost same rig I cant tell you the settings. You have to find it yourself. It depends on the CPU and its quality. It can also happen that your friend has the same rig, and you reach the 4.5 GHz and your friend not even the 4 GHz. This is the step by step method, cant go directly to any settings.
I will recommend to do overclocking in bios because it needs less voltage, higher oc and if also increase the processor life comparable to oc by software. Also If you get Any manual settings and of you go for that then the oc will be unstable and will produce more heat. If you give less voltage then you will get unstable oc and if you give higher voltage then it will produce more heat and will reduce CPUs life. So it is important to find a sweet point of correct combination of frequency and voltage. To do that Just follow this Steps:
1) just enable your XMP memory profile if your memory support that.
2) increase the cpu ratio from factory settings a little(whichever smallest possible) and boot in your os.
3) Download cpu stress testing software prime95 and do a stress test around 20 minutes.
4) if it passes then restart and go in bios, increase a little cpu ratio again a little bit.
5) if it passes then repeat 4th method. And if it not passes then go in bios and increase the CPU voltage and again test. Just keep doing that.
6) a time will arrive when the temp will gone so high, at that time you have to stop and keep it to cool.
7) also when doing upper methods you have to keep a eye on your temps.
8) a step will arrive when prime95 will never pass or the temp will gone so high immediately when stress test started, that point you have to stop and you get the unleashed speed of your processor. You got a stable oc now. Watch temps and don't let them go above 80.
Also see the guide that I given below, it will tell you the basics. Good Luck. :)
CB :sol:

My question is what mode do I select for prime95 when stress testing? Small FFTs (maximus heat, FPU stress, data fits in L2 cache, Ram not tested much) or Blend (tests some of everything, lots of RAM tested). I used the first torutre test and got up to 4.2 GHz with 1.2V and an avg of 83 degrees celsius with the second test my avg temp was 50 degrees celsius. My idle temp is around 30 dregrees celsiusI did everything what you told me to. I hope I did it right thank you for the help.