Overclocking Possibilities With B85-G41 PC Mate


Dec 24, 2013
I have had a B85-G41 PC Mate from MSI, I was not happy with my purchase because it was part scam. They said "OC Genue 4: Overclock in one second", unfortunately no change in cpu speed. I was wondering if I could use an OC profile from a USB to overclock my cpu. I have heard of my i5 4670k being overclocked with this motherboard, and I know there is a way. There is that option, or I can change the multiplier and be done with it right? Well unfortunately my OC page has been conveniently "grayed out" like when a page becomes shaded and unclickable. I was wondering if there was any way to surpass that or gain access to that page and change the multiplier.
Thank you for all of your help

Yes you can overclock you CPU with this motherboard. But NO I don't reccomend to do that. Overclocking motherboards are Z87 and Z97 chipsets needed for overclocking this CPU. Overclocking it on a B85 will damage your motherboard and may damage other components.

Yes you can overclock you CPU with this motherboard. But NO I don't reccomend to do that. Overclocking motherboards are Z87 and Z97 chipsets needed for overclocking this CPU. Overclocking it on a B85 will damage your motherboard and may damage other components.


I understand your concern about my PC being ruined. Fortunately I only need to overclock my cpu for 3.4 to 3.6. That is all I need. Do you mind telling me how to overclock it?
Thank you so much

Overclocking your 3.4ghz CPU to 3.6ghz is completely useless. The lowest speed to get minimal improvement is 4.3ghz. But is you really wish to overclock it. Go into you BIOS at the system startup. Change the core multiplier to x36 instead of x34. You can leave all the stock voltages, they can easily handle this 3.6ghz without any issues. Please make sure you have the right cooling before overclocking such as the Coolermaster Hyper 212 EVO. As I said before you really won't see any improvement and your motherboard does NOT support overclocking, even if it's only a 200mhz or 1000mhz difference.


I can't change the multiplier becuase the option is greyed out. Like you can't click it. Does this mean I can't overclock it?


Exactly you can't overclock it, anyways as I told you overclocking from 3.4ghz to 3.6ghz is totally useless so...