Hello, I'm trying to overclock my AMD FX-4100 and i can bring it up to 4.2 GHZ perfectly stable no problems, when i bump it up to 4.3, it will only last a few seconds (i am using multipliers) and i was wondering it was my PSU being limited by its wattage. My temps under load go to 62C (I am using the stock cooler, I know its horrible but I'm getting http://www.amazon.com/ARCTIC-Freezer-Rev-Cooler-Multi-Directional/dp/B002G392ZI ) I have turned offed C1E and C6 I think their called because I was automatically getting dropped down to 14x multiplier instead of my 21x. CPU voltage is set to auto. Thanks! Also if it is the PSU, could you guys recommend me one? I'm using the case Apevia X-Dreamer3.
AMD fx-4100 3.6GHZ (OC to 4.2GHZ)
Allied 300 watt PSU
AMD Radeon HD 7750
Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3
AMD fx-4100 3.6GHZ (OC to 4.2GHZ)
Allied 300 watt PSU
AMD Radeon HD 7750
Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3