Overclocking worksheet (spreadsheet)

Blessed Again

May 4, 2009
I was wondering if anyone had an overclocking worksheet (spread sheet) that show all their overclocking Bios settings and results for their Motherboard, CPU and memory.
I feel if there was a generic form, then all the forum users could share their settings and results.
Most overclocking post only show a handful of the many bios settings and voltages that are necessary but newbee's like my self are lost with the rest of the options.
I have made one for myself that is very handy and would like someone who is OC savy to tell me what i need to change. The problem is that most forums will not accept a pasted spread sheet.
I have an i7-920, ASUS 6pt, 6gb-Corsair 1600 XMP ddr3,Coolermaster V-8 Cooler, Coolermaster Centurion 590 Case with 3 extra case fans, CP800W PS. If someone has similar gear I would like the Optimal settings for a mild 3.2 OC. My temps are higher than I would like when loaded. Also could someone direct me to a freeware benchmarking program that we could compare results? Thanks
Blessed Again


Jan 7, 2009
Since all systems are unique and their ability to OC unique there is no such thing as an optimal setting for a specific OC for a general computer or system. OC's should be worked up for every individual system so you know you have the optimal OC for that particular system.