Overcloking GTX 970M


Apr 22, 2016
Hi everyone! I'm new on this forum, and I always wanted to registered here, and here I am!!! 😉

OK, I opended this thread to ask people who successfuly overclocked the 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970M - 3GB ver.', and set its Core & Memory Clock correctly. I mean, the porpuse of this writing is focused on how should be the relation between Core and Memory clocks offsets when we overclock the GPU.
I want to set 4 custom profiles on EVGA Precision (Default = 1038Mhz, 1100Mhz, 1200Mhz, 1300Mhz, 1400Mhz), and also I have to mention that I could arrived up to 1500Mhz, but only on Core and it was stable. But what I want is to have the maximum stablity on OC and also have OC on Memory clock (related to Core clock offset).

- My PC is a MSI GE62 2QF (150W max. of power supply).
- I know that in some reasons is not necessary to OC the Mem clock, and we could have a very good performance just setting the core one. But I want to OC all at the same time.

Thank you.


Do you think these custom voltages will be correct or enought for core & memory clocks?:
- Profile 1 (Core 1100Mhz/Mem ????Mhz) = 1000mV MAX
- Profile 2 (Core 1200Mhz/Mem ????Mhz) = 1050mV MAX
- Profile 3 (Core 1300Mhz/Mem ????Mhz) = 1100mV MAX
- Profile 4 (Core 1400Mhz/Mem ????Mhz) = 1150mV MAX
- Default (Core 1038Mhz/Mem 2506Mhz) = 981mV MAX
My advice on this topic, having seen the damage done, is NOT to OC a mobile GPU.

There was a big discussion about it last year when Nvidia kept removing then reinstating support for it in their drivers. It's not an ideal thing to try and heavily OC a chip which is so confined and often poorly cooled.

The added performance you might get won't be worth anywhere near the risk and issues that come with it. You aren't exactly going to get 10-20 FPS more out of it...
My advice on this topic, having seen the damage done, is NOT to OC a mobile GPU.

There was a big discussion about it last year when Nvidia kept removing then reinstating support for it in their drivers. It's not an ideal thing to try and heavily OC a chip which is so confined and often poorly cooled.

The added performance you might get won't be worth anywhere near the risk and issues that come with it. You aren't exactly going to get 10-20 FPS more out of it...