Overheating and shutting down when gaming


Aug 7, 2015
Hell there 🙁
I got a pc with the specs as down in the picture.
The problem is that when playing games like bf4 and cs go the pc gets too hot and shuts down or freeze if i continue to play.
I tried to apply new thermal paste(bought it new from amazon) but that didn't help. Games like LOL and Rocket league will make it hot a bit too but it won't shut down.
It's really annoying and i got 3 cooldowns in cs go because of this as everytike i reconnect the same happens🙁

Would anyone please suggest how i can fix that and the problem is i can't really spend much on it so like buying a new motherboeard for example would only be an option really if i it will surely fix it.
Here are the pictures and specs :


Thanks alot
Your CPU temp looks rather high for idle. I would try some of the things I mentioned above. I also see in the BIOS you have a fan control mode. Try setting it to manual and you should get the option to change the fan speeds.
There may be several solutions for you. If you can adjust the CPU fan profile in the Bios, try increasing the fan speed and have it ramp up sooner. Use MSI Afterburner and do the same thing for your GPU. Get some zip ties and tidy up the cables in your system, it looks like they are completely blocking any airflow from the front case fans. Add another case fan or two and see if that helps. Lastly, if you're using a stock CPU cooler, you may need an aftermarket one which can dissipate more heat.