Overheating graphic card


Dec 6, 2017
Hi all,
I had using my laptop for more than 5 years and it didnt have any problem till 2 weeks ago i was playing lol and suddenly my laptop shutted down and this problem repeated again and again however it mostly occurred in league of legends but overheating exist in other games and even in idle mode.
i checked the system temperature.u can see them below :

and this is after 15 min gaming :

Dell Inspiron N5010
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650
and i should mention that i never dust cleaned because its hard on laptop i cant do it myself but it didnt have any problem 2 weeks ago 🙁
i even saw gpu temperature at +115 c 🙁
115c is SUPER high. Your probably gonna have to bite the bulllet on this one and crack open that laptop. Dusting helps quite a bit more than you'd think but since it looks to be a bit of an older laptop then I'd recommend changing the thermal paste but if that doesn't work look on Ebay or some other site that sells laptop parts cause if anything you might just have to change the parts that cool it. Not all laptops can have it changed but look online for a tutorial with a phrase like "Dell Inspiron N5010 breakdown" or "Dell Inspiron heat pipe replacement". If you can't or don't want to do it try to ask around your friends and see if any of them can do it provided you get the parts for them or something like that to have them convinced to...
115c is SUPER high. Your probably gonna have to bite the bulllet on this one and crack open that laptop. Dusting helps quite a bit more than you'd think but since it looks to be a bit of an older laptop then I'd recommend changing the thermal paste but if that doesn't work look on Ebay or some other site that sells laptop parts cause if anything you might just have to change the parts that cool it. Not all laptops can have it changed but look online for a tutorial with a phrase like "Dell Inspiron N5010 breakdown" or "Dell Inspiron heat pipe replacement". If you can't or don't want to do it try to ask around your friends and see if any of them can do it provided you get the parts for them or something like that to have them convinced to help you. Best of luck to you :)