Overheating graphics card?


Sep 16, 2009
If I let my 7970 reach 75 degrees celcius (according to MSI Afterburner), is that ok? If it is, is that heat an issue for the motherbaord or the nearby sound card? it's an expensive sound card i dont want to damage it

Thanks for help :)

75 isnt too hot for a gpu, they can reach 80+ celsius. And no it wont damage your sound card or mobo at all. :)

When my 7950 reached around 75 celsius it would drastically just shut off the pc. It is now dead and the pc wontboot with it connected. It is on its way to be RMA'ed.

Just wanted to put it here.
75 c is ok for the card you have.
Start worrying when you hit close to 100 c or more that is when your in danger of damage to the card.
If you have space in your case to add extra fans, for better case air flow consider fitting some more.

Then that would help a bit, but probably only drop the graphics card temps by a few degrees lower.
Depending on the exact model it's pretty normal under load.
If you are bothered you can:
Check the fan arrangement in the case, side and front fans are usually best used as intakes and the rear or top fans are best for exhaust.
Tidy up the internal wires, large bundles of cables restrict the airflow.
Set a custom fan speed profile in Afterburner.

lol if it's ok then why did yours die?

It wasnt supposed to shut off the system before it reach 100 degrees i think, i assume my card has a burnt mosfet but no visible damage because of cooler in the way.

I don't understand. If it was supposed to be fine up until 100, why did yours fail at 75?

Exactly, thats why i am RMA'ing the card. It were a faulty card, but it worked for half a year before it failed.

Do you put this down to a sub-par card, or the high temperatures?

I can get the card as low as 60 degrees but I prefer the acoustics at 72. What do you think, am I putting my expensive video card at risk?

Dont worry if the card only reaches 72 celsius, its totally okay. But if you want you could clean out the card and the case once in a while to get rid of that pesky dust and get better airflow.

My card were clearly faulty, i had 7 casefans 120 mm and 1 200 mm blowing air on the hd 7950 of mine.