Overheating I7-920 No Idea Why


Aug 18, 2016
So, I was using my computer pretty normal playing games and stuff and then my computer completely turns off. I turn it back on and it beeps and says "cpu temperature error". I'm not really sure what to do, but I'll give my specs to see if anyone can make sense of this. Asus P6T mobo, I7-920(stock cooler/freq), Hd 6850,500w diablotek psu. I bought this prebuilt in June 2016. He said he built it for his son that year, but right now I'm pretty sure he had it lying around and he just needed to get rid of it. So is this old age or is a bad cooler?

Edit: I forgot to add that it gets up to 100C on idle sometimes now and it scares me.
That's not right at all. I'd check the cooler installation, and change out the thermal paste. Get some Isopropyl Alchohol (The higher percentage the better), and some nice lint free cloth. Dampen the cloth with the Isopropyl, clean off all the old thermal paste from both the CPU and the bottom of your cooler. Re-apply the paste, and put the cooler back on.
Also, what is the cooler? Just as FYI, that processor is old. Around 2010 release on it. I have a 980x (same generation) that I bought back in 2010.
That's not right at all. I'd check the cooler installation, and change out the thermal paste. Get some Isopropyl Alchohol (The higher percentage the better), and some nice lint free cloth. Dampen the cloth with the Isopropyl, clean off all the old thermal paste from both the CPU and the bottom of your cooler. Re-apply the paste, and put the cooler back on.
Also, what is the cooler? Just as FYI, that processor is old. Around 2010 release on it. I have a 980x (same generation) that I bought back in 2010.
Check cooling, as noted above. And also check BIOS settings, you can't know how the previous owner played with the settings (voltages, overclock etc.). It's not clear from your description whether you had the issue since the very beginning or whether it just started recently.

usually do to the a loose fan header is where this problem comes in. you need to the the fan header off and plug it back in. this usually fixes the problem. If it doesn't fix the problem then it has to due with the cooler and thermal paste.

I still use the 920 that I bought back in February 2009 meaning it was probably released some time in 2008.

[strike]I put this same problem on the linus forums and it turns out it is my thermal paste. I will still give you best answer cause you got the key words in there.[/strike]
EDIT: I don't have spare thermal paste.
EDIT: Ignore this message I fixed the issue

thank you but Rhinofart got to the answer before me. you should change who got the solution right. you can order new thermal paste from newegg.com

Hey no worries mate. Just glad we were able to help a fellow out. I love my 980x. I'll be really really sad when it finally goes.

i have the 980. I wonder how much of a difference it is on 2k. Im glad we were able to do it too.