Overheating processor on startup


Dec 29, 2015
Hey guys. Just put together my first computer and noticed that when I went into the bios after starting my computer, my cpu temps were already at 90c. Went back and noticed the one pin of the cpu fan was not fully inserted. After pushing it down in, I restarted the computer and went straight back into the bios. This time temps were at around 60c. I feel that this is still too high for startup. Does anyone have any help or suggestions? This is my first build and first time on the site. Any help or input is appreciated. Thanks!

I3 4170 processor
Asrock h97 pro 4 motherboard
check the temperatures with aida64 or any other software, but not in the bios, because in the bios the CPU runs at its max clock speed without any low energy plan, so it runs hotter in the bios. try that.
Depending on the size of your case and how many fans, 60c on start up using the stock intel CPU cooler is normal. Check to see what the temps are while sitting idle. If for some reason you are unhappy with the temps, it'll be time to upgrade to a better quality CPU cooler Or upgrade the case fans.

Take the CPU fan off, clean the paste, reapply, reinstall the fan.

Running it with it not properly installed probably caused some inconsistencies in the paste layer.

Redo it.