Overheating Temperature @ 88*C NEED HELP!!!


Aug 31, 2015
Hello. I have a AMD Athlon II X3 450 w/ Cooler Master Hyper TX3 & ASUS Radeon 6670. In the last 2 days my PC Case has been so HOT that I could not put my hand on it. My PC was shutting down at random and would not restart until it cooled down.

Last night I deep cleaned my PC w/ Q-Tips and Alcohol getting all the dust off the fan blades and CPU Cooler plus my GPU. It was a mess. I even applied new Thermal paste to the CPU. My PC has been running since last night. I decided to install OCCT for Temp readout and it says 88*C or 190*F.

My PC is still running HOT. All the fans are working so what can I do so that the heat does not damage anything?
I have and I did only put a peas size drop on there. I'm know enough about computers to build them but as far as knowing the restraints of things I'm lacking there. Should I turn the 120mm fan in my PC around to see if that will help at least?
Please.... does anyone have any ideas for me as to what I can do??? I am planning on building a new PC soon but I currently have no funds. Does anyone have a solution that does not require money?
by the way. next time. don't take the cpu and heatsink apart to try to clean it. just use a air duster and dust the heatsink and the case of the computer. costco sell them cheap for pack of 6.
Frist thing first. the air duster is 5buk to 20buk. you can't use q-tip to clean radiator you need a air duster to clean it or you may damage it. or don't do it at all.
2nd the reason i ask if you are reading it right is caz the X3 should have a max temp of 73c (http://www.overclock.net/t/1134229/amd-cpus-max-temps) and if you are hitting 88c your computer should crash before it get there. prevent it from doing damage to your cpu.

let say you are reading everything right.. first thing I would try is to run the computer with a open side case to make sure air flow have nothing to do with it. if your temp is still as high it most likely your cpu heat sink. if not you can try making sure you are having push pull air flow from your case. 50/50. from front to back.

let say it the CPU. since you took out the heat sink. and re did it again. I would do it one more time.
did you try opening the side of the case to see if that help first?
to your question about Honeywell fan. i don't see why not. it should help one way or the other as long as you can take the noise.
I want to thank everyone for their help and advice. I did try my turbo fan and it did help lower my temps by half. But it seems as if it was too late in the game. My PC will no longer work to a point. It will turn on and boot to windows but as soon as it does all my USB ports stop working. I don't have any PS/2 KB or Mice lying around to test and what little money I do have goes towards my rent or I would go and buy a set. Why would the ports work for log-in but after that nothing? I'll ask in that specific forum.

I just want to say thanks again for everyone's help.