really?there is nothing that compares to this monitor on this price range nor even close to it. 96hz to 144hz wont make a better experience for anyone, no matter how "fluid" you think you are gaming. play a fast paced fps like unreal tournament on 60hz and 144hz, its the same game! 30fps to 60fps... huge improvement, necessary for accuracy. 60fps to 90fps... minor improvement, its allread reaching the eye's natural perceived "refresh rate" and your mouse wont become faster as it was, still cool nonenthless. 90fps to 120fps? gimmick.. its something people want just to talk about. I bet with anyone here, 1x1, me on my 60fps monitor vs you at 144fos on a swift, you wouldnt beat me on a fps im good at. lets play star craft on a swift against a korean capped at 30fps, we wouldnt beat him. play any other title, the game wont become richer, more interesting nor the time will pass by slower than it allways did. you know what? some people can enjoy gaming VASTLY more on a crt panel with a capped 30fps than others with a titan super ultra 4k or tri-monitor. lets get real, the only thing better than this monitor is something designed specifically to meet color gammut and accuracy, it does make a difference just as much as 60fps does to 30fps, but only to media profissionals. $400 bucks for a monitor better than a $1000 dell to play games designed to run at 60hz and some here are talking like those silly people discussing digital cams and lens instead of taking pictures god damn. no one would ever tell which picture was taken with what cam whatsoever and they still think there is reality on the arguing... theres a name for this behaviour, children