overvolting a pc fan

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Jun 20, 2013
Hi guys
can any tell me how to overvoltage my megaflow 230mm because it run at 700 rpm and thats not enough for me,
the question is ( Is there aftermarket pc fan controller that can overvoltage the fan for me )
lets say i want it to run at 1000 rpm, i know that will affect the live span of the fan But who care.
thank in advance
There is no realistic way to overvolt a 12V fan in a PC, since 12V is what the PSU provides. You would need to custom-rig a device such as some laptop adapters use to get over +12 out of an auto adapter. In addition to being overly complicated and no doubt expensive, it would likely shorten the fan's lifespan considerably.
A better choice would be to look for a higher-RPM version of a 230mm fan that will fit in your case.

Edit: For example, these Bitfenix fans are rated for 900RPM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007998%20600339700&IsNodeId=1&name=230mm
There is no realistic way to overvolt a 12V fan in a PC, since 12V is what the PSU provides. You would need to custom-rig a device such as some laptop adapters use to get over +12 out of an auto adapter. In addition to being overly complicated and no doubt expensive, it would likely shorten the fan's lifespan considerably.
A better choice would be to look for a higher-RPM version of a 230mm fan that will fit in your case.

Edit: For example, these Bitfenix fans are rated for 900RPM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007998%20600339700&IsNodeId=1&name=230mm
You can buy a voltage boost converter such as this one: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/131830728600?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
Which allows you to overvolt up to 35V (Which would obliterate the fan instantly).
Most fans are rated up to 13.8V, so you can overvolt safely-ish up to that voltage, or go further which will worsen lifespan exponentially. You should check the spec sheet for your fan which will show "Operation voltage", which is a higher maximum then the rated voltage.
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