How To 

Overwatch Hero Guide – Winston

Want to play a super intelligent ape with glasses? Or maybe just looking for a hero to play where you don't have to be any good at aiming. Either way, Winston is for you! Read on to see what he can do.

Tesla Cannon
This is Winston's main attack and it fires in a cone in front of him hitting all targets within that cone. It doesn't output a lot of damage, but it's great for hitting fast moving elusive heroes like Tracer. Ironic really since Winston and Tracer are good friends. This will bypass any barriers other than Zarya's, so can be great for harassing a Reinhardt hiding behind his shield to force him to drop it to swing his hammer at you to get you away from him.


Jump Pack
This is where Winston really shines, his mobility. Using this ability is very similar to Pharah's jump boost, but you don't get the benefit of hovering afterwards, and it propels you forward as well, rather than straight up. You can use this to literally drop in on an enemy team and disrupt their back lines and send them all scattering, breaking them up so your team can take care of them in smaller groups.


Barrier Projector
This is great to help you with disrupting the enemy team when you jump in on them. This ability will drop a barrier in a bubble around the area you are standing at the time of activating it. Anyone inside of the barrier can still hurt you, but it will temporarily cut off anyone outside of the bubble from helping to bring you, or your team, down.


Ultimate - Primal Rage
Winston's ultimate is to go full primal ape on the enemy. He'll toss his tesla cannon in favor of his fists, making him melee only for the duration, and pummel his enemies into submission. He can use his jump pack more often while his ultimate is active, allowing him to stick to his enemies as they flee from his rage. His attacks will sometimes knock enemies back from him as well, so this can be used well to clear an objective, or knock people off a ledge to their deaths. Keep in mind as well that when he first activates the ability he will get a massive heal, so it's best used after you jump into a fight when you are about to die, then it'll keep you in the fight for longer.


If you are just starting out and looking to play a tank, then Winston might just be for you. Even a seasoned veteran might be picking him up to disrupt the enemy or deal with a very mobile team.