P6T se Deluxe Dual/Triple Chan ?


Jun 27, 2014
Hi, I have a 4 years old pc rig that look like this :
i7 930
P6T Se deluxe MB
radeon 5870x2
6gb ram (3x2triple chan)

Since I can't run games at max settings in many new games, I think about an upgrade.
So I just bought an msi r9 290x...but now im not too sure about others upgrades.

I read that my processor can still be ok. I think I could just buy a water cooler than OC it a bit.

The ram I really dont know...I would like to buy more ram...But wich one ? Dual or Triple ? If I plan to upgrade my board and CPU if my setup can't handle the 290x...

Then a SSD, not too sure if my board can use one at full speed ?!

Im looking for some expert point of view and advices, because Im a bit confused. WIth my 290x at 500$ my budget can handle 500-700$ more.

Thank you. (sorry for my english)
Yea, that triple-channel thing was a short-lived Intel aberration. Nowadays they use only dual- or quad-channel memory.

I doubt that memory alone will give you the kicker you're looking for.

And once you upgrade, you're into a new CPU and mobo - then it becomes an issue whether you can preserve your memory and whether it's worth it (personally I doubt it).

If I was in your shoes, I'd try and sell the current rig as a working computer and look at getting a new one. But only if you plan to upgrade at all.
Yea, that triple-channel thing was a short-lived Intel aberration. Nowadays they use only dual- or quad-channel memory.

I doubt that memory alone will give you the kicker you're looking for.

And once you upgrade, you're into a new CPU and mobo - then it becomes an issue whether you can preserve your memory and whether it's worth it (personally I doubt it).

If I was in your shoes, I'd try and sell the current rig as a working computer and look at getting a new one. But only if you plan to upgrade at all.

I will take that in consideration. Thank you Karten75 for you reply :)