P7H55-M Motherboard VS Vengeance 2x4 GB RAM Compatibility


Dec 1, 2015
Hi everyone,

I have been searching for an answer to this for many hours and came to the conclusion that it is best I ask the question.

I have a P7H55-M motherboard running an i3 - 530 CPU and am currently running two 2GB RAM modules. I recently decided to upgrade my RAM to Vengeance CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9 (2X4GB). I've placed them into the four slots of my motherboard in various permutations - slotting only one in, both inserted in different places, to no avail. When the Windows logo starts to appear it always cuts and BSODs at the same exact pixels and repeats the same boot loop.

I have tried updating the BIOS, messed about with the BIOS settings to do with XMP (I have never touched this kind technicality before) with little to no results. Going back to the old RAM modules always lets me back into Windows with no problem.

Is this motherboard simply not compatible with the RAM modules I lovingly purchased for my rusty old computer? What is the likelihood that both of these modules are defective as it currently seems to be?

I will appreciate your help and apologies if I have not complied to any rules of this forum - I have had a scan through the stickies.

Many many thanks in advance
I think these use the higher density memory ICs and aren't compatible with the H55 chipset series, which was made for the lower density ICs like the original Ripjaws and their NT series of value DRAM (which are still available)