Pachter: ME3 "Whining" May Have Driven BioWare Docs Away

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This Pachter guy sounds like an idiot, why would anyone listen to him?
Whiney little bitches, do always ruin the fun in everything. I'll have to agree.
Something tells me this guy hasn't touched a video game in his life.

"now you're not getting anything like those games again with the two doctors gone. You might get good games, [but] they won't be the same,"

Actually, we won't get anything like those games because EA is at the helm.
I'm glad someone is giving this attention. Between the half-cocked boycotting and the ME3 tantrum, PC gamers are just relegating themselves to obscurity. I've been playing PC games since my family's first IBM 286, but I certainly wouldn't want to deal with a fanbase that gets so hung up on the stink of everyone else's *** that they cant smell their own.

Sometimes I wonder if people think complaining makes them sound smarter, and thats why they do it.
I mean... they talk about the whining etc etc... but we all know what EA does to companies it buys. It happened again. EA has a perfect track record of this. It becomes about money, and not great games. Look at any of their IPs and you will see it. Not saying they don't occassionally make good games, but money is the defining factor sitting on them.

We already have words from ONE OF THE FOUNDERS, saying that is BS.

Could of sworn TH even did a story saying that too.

[citation][nom]greatsaltedone[/nom]I'm glad someone is giving this attention. Between the half-cocked boycotting and the ME3 tantrum, PC gamers are just relegating themselves to obscurity. I've been playing PC games since my family's first IBM 286, but I certainly wouldn't want to deal with a fanbase that gets so hung up on the stink of everyone else's *** that they cant smell their own.Sometimes I wonder if people think complaining makes them sound smarter, and thats why they do it.[/citation]

Hey idiot, ME was on Xbox first.
More likely, what really pushed the Doctors out was not the whining, but the drop in quality due to EA's mentality of "get it out the door" instead of polishing the game. BioWare's quality has been dropping just as Blizzard's quality has been dropping since the 800 lb Gorillas (EA and Activision) entered the picture for both. (And if you think Activision's board has no say on what's happening at Blizzard, you're being clueless, Blizzard is not autonomous from Activision no matter how much Morhaime says otherwise.) Everything now is so profit driven that game quality is diminishing (Battlefield, WoW, Dragon Age 2 compared to 1, Diablo 3, and the list goes on).

More likely, a lot of long time people in the game industry are leaving because of people like Kotick, Probst, Riccitiello, and others. The passionate people about creating games is dwindling because of the people he want profits over good game play.
Lots of immaturity to go around here. The whiners for sure as they are typically a vocal minority that ruin things for others.

But I have a problem with this attitude of 'If you don't like my game, I'll take my ball and go home.'

Where is the professionalism? How about taking the criticism and other pro's and con's then using it to refine the next game?
Attention stupid people.. We bought a product. We are the consumer. We are entitled to make our complaints known as to avoid more bullshit endings and bad games.

This is how the consumer exercises their power...
By complaining, by boycotting, by not voting with their dollars.

Blizzard is the perfect example of this..
Consumers rewarded blizzard with money in essence saying "we approve of how Diablo 3 was handled"

If you are an uninformed consumer, an emotional product buyer, you can't blame anyone but yourself for making poor purchasing decisions.

This is why I never pre order games, and wait till reviews come out from USERS, not paid reviewers.

Video games is a very competitive industry. I'm glad those guys left. They could obviously not handle it, which will free up room for more talented people who listen to their customer base and provide products we want.

This "Michael Pachter" is dead wrong in this regard.
Shame on YOU you F*CKIN DOUCHE. Its the "creative" platform programmers who screwed this pooch, ME3 was visually OK but lacking in ALL other areas compared to the 2 previous games. I find it odd that Bioware would not want feedback, and to call customers "whiners" is just monumental stupidity, WE ARE YOUR CUSTOMERS there is no Bioware without us... remember that.

And please, someone tell this "gaming anal-yst" to pick up a keyboard and try playing some of these games, and really, if the founders of Bioware want to retire and make Beer and rescue animals I say AWESOME! They have brought us many great games and deserve their time.

It wasn't whining, the ending in ME 3 made no sense when compared with the rest of the game. And it was ending, not endings.

It wasn't the ending in particular, there was a big difference in the quality from ME 1 to ME 3. Any studio sucked up by EA tends to go downhill.
People whine because it's the easiest thing to do when things go wrong in life. Subconsciously, they hope to annoy the hell out of people enough to fix the problems for them. It's in our genes--a baby crying is a perfect example. They cry because they want it food, love, diaper change, whatever). They may not know what they want, but all they know is that they want it, and they want it now. The priority then becomes "how do we stop that damn baby from crying"?

As people grow up, they tend to whine less and adapt more (of course that doesn't always happen now, does it?).

Some people have thick skin and can ignore temper tantrums. Some do this to a fault--to the point of negligence.

tl;dr version: I agree with boogalooelectric's first sentence: Lots of immaturity to go around here.
[citation][nom]killerb255[/nom]I agree with boogalooelectric's first sentence: Lots of immaturity to go around here.[/citation]

Like your comment.
How about growing a pair and realizing that maybe instead of blaming the fan base who pays your bills, you could "retire" and start a new company outside EA's sphere of influence, like how Blizzard North devs left and created Runic games and still do what they like (TL2) and do it better.
Wow "the customers are winey" that's the last thing I would want to hear and oh yeha not be their customer.

Lets see if not buying their crap will help them out. 😉
[citation][nom]killerb255[/nom]People whine because it's the easiest thing to do when things go wrong in life. Subconsciously, they hope to annoy the hell out of people enough to fix the problems for them. It's in our genes--a baby crying is a perfect example. They cry because they want it food, love, diaper change, whatever). They may not know what they want, but all they know is that they want it, and they want it now. The priority then becomes "how do we stop that damn baby from crying"? As people grow up, they tend to whine less and adapt more (of course that doesn't always happen now, does it?).Some people have thick skin and can ignore temper tantrums. Some do this to a fault--to the point of negligence. tl;dr version: I agree with boogalooelectric's first sentence: Lots of immaturity to go around here.[/citation]

I like whole statement, 'cept it's wrong.

There was a huge community upswell, people were taking donations, volunteering time, and even wanted to fix the problem themselves.
[citation][nom]funguseater[/nom]Shame on YOU you F*CKIN DOUCHE. Its the "creative" platform programmers who screwed this pooch, ME3 was visually OK but lacking in ALL other areas compared to the 2 previous games[/citation]Usually not the programmers, especially if the previous games were better
"I think you guys who were out there whining vocally about how BioWare screwed you out of a happy ending in Mass Effect should really look in the mirror and wonder... now you're not getting anything like those games again with the two doctors gone."

They made promises then they broke them. There's too much of that going on in the gaming industry, so if we're getting less of that, so be it.

Over two years ago, Pachter answerd a question about the death of PC gaming in Episode 108, saying that (at the time) packaged PC game sales were only 6 to 7-percent of the overall games sales. It's becoming a declining industry because you can get a near-PC experience on a console right now, he said.

Pachter is a F*** wit if he thinks this is true. The gaming experience on a PC is quite different from that of a console. Not just due to the controller, but the platform in general. Do you have a 3 monitor setup for consoles? No.

"And I know flamers, you all have PCs that just crap all over the PS3 and are much more powerful, but the PS3 is a pretty powerful box, and is probably more powerful than 90-percent of the PCs out there," he said. "The Xbox 360 is probably more powerful than 85-percent of the PCs out there. Again, I'll wait for the flamers to tell me that's wrong, and that it's 79-percent."

Sorry, but PCs have been held back by consoles for YEARS! Low rez textures, capping out servers at 32 instead of 64 in BF3, dumbed down controls and interfaces, etc. If they released the "Xbox 720" 2 years ago, they'd still be too late.

Michael Pachter is a moron. I've never heard of him before, and now I know why. Nothing this man says has any real merit. I'm sure he's doing all of this just to gain public awareness of his existence. Pay this idiot no further attention.
[citation][nom]ddpruitt[/nom]It wasn't the ending in particular, there was a big difference in the quality from ME 1 to ME 3. Any studio sucked up by EA tends to go downhill.[/citation]
I happened to like ME3 much better than ME1, with ME2 being my favorite by far. I say that not because I think my opinion matters more than yours—it doesn't—but because I just want to point out that its not an objective fact that Bioware went downhill after acquisition by EA. Other opinions exist.
[citation][nom]accolite[/nom]Wow "the customers are winey" that's the last thing I would want to hear and oh yeha not be their customer.Lets see if not buying their crap will help them out.[/citation]
You do realize, this wasn't a Bioware employee...right?

And "whiners" might be a little too diplomatic. Many of them were outright lunatics.
Maybe if the guys at EA had looked up what it means to die a hero's death there wouldnt have been so much complaining about the ending. But hey that might get in the way of profits right?

I mean the tale of Mass Effect's downfall can be traced to one guy and its not this tool Pachter... its Drew Karpyshyn. He was the lead writer on ME1 and the co writer on ME2 and on ME3 he was gone... so all that talk about how it was their vision for the end is BS and they know it! EA is dragging down another dev team for the sake of profits over story, canon, and enjoyability.

Hey lets take a poll who would rather wait 5-7 years for a great 2nd or 3rd generation to a game and who would rather get the next iteration of a franchise in a year no matter how much it sucks?
This Pachter guy needs to die in a chemical fire, he just looks like a bag of dick. You can get near-PC experience on a Console right now ? Oh please spare me. Maybe the PC market is declining because only 6-7% of company's making games actually care about its PC based players the rest just pump out console ports for profit that have everything dubbed down be it textures, lower server player count, crappy controls and interfaces. EA is a big problem in the gaming industry and when they wanted to acquire Valve and CEO Gabe Newell said that he would let the company disintegrate before he sold it to them.
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