Packet Loss on 2.4 G


Feb 18, 2017
Hi everyone!

I'm looking for a solution to cease packet loss on 2.4 G wireless internet connection. I'm experiencing this issue for 2-3 weeks.
I made a pingtest in command prompt and there's 600+ ms protrusion in every 30 seconds or so - sometimes it does not even reply. Needless to say, it makes online gameplaying and more complex downloading/uploading impossible.

There are many neighbouring 2.4 G channels but I doubt it's the case since I did start Windows 7 (64-bit) through "diminished mode with network" once and there were no protrusions. And I also got WLAN Optimizer. Might it be a software/program running in the background? If so, what type of? Might it be a physical object (walls for instance) oppose the signals? What else can it be? Is it possible to stop this from happening?

Any suggestions might be appreciated!

Thing is, I have got 5Ghz but I cannot manually connect to it due to the fact that I'm accessing to the router through Access Point that cannot differentiate the bands profile names, thus it always conects the one with better signal - which 9 times out of 10 happens to be the 2.4 G.

I downloaded ssinsider though, but there are so many neighbouring networks that it does not matter which channel I choose, there will always be at least 2 overlapping and 1 co-channel.

If from device manager you go into properties of your wireless NIC under advanced you may find a preferred band setting. Its likely on auto, change it to 5ghz and see if it helps.

It worked. Who would have thought it's the network card settings... Thank you very much!